Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

We are fully aware that many children will need support in school at some stage. For some students, as well as the need for acceleration of their attainment and progress, there is also the need for emotional and social support.

At Les Beaucamps High, we put each child at the centre of the plans and provisions we put into place for them. 

Our Assistant Headteacher in charge of Inclusion and Safeguarding, along with our Inclusion Manager and ALNCo, Inclusion and ALN staff team work closely to ensure that each student who has an additional learning need can be supported.

This support can take many forms:

Pupil Passports: A profile that outlines the students’ needs. It also contains information for the subject teachers on their strengths and weaknesses and what teachers can do to help them succeed in class. Every class teacher has access to these profiles. They are working documents that outline the student’s needs.

Individual Education Plans (IEP): For our students who have Determinations of Need (similar to UK Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP). These set individualised targets to help the students succeed in class and the school environment.

Behaviour Support Plans (BSP): For our students who need support with self-regulation. 

Smaller sets: There are smaller sets of students in Maths and English in Years 7, 8 and 9 for students who require this provision.  These smaller sets still cover the content for the year group, but the pace may be a little slower, with additional support activities added to address any barriers, and secure previous learning. These groups aim for high levels of success, with students gaining confidence and being able to access the work for their Year group with support.

Intervention support  

Homework Club: The wellbeing staff offer homework catch up for any ALN students that may need extra support with homework/coursework when subject teachers are not available.

Exams Access: All our ALN students will receive the entitled assessment and exams support (dependent on type/level of need) which may include access to a smaller room/individual room, supervised rest breaks, a prompter, scribes, readers, and computer reader/reading pens


Referral Forms: Referral forms can be completed by staff members who have concerns about the students that they teach. Additionally, students and families are encouraged to talk to their tutor, or the school Inclusion and ALN team if they require any further information on the available provisions, support and guidance that we provide at Les Beaucamps High School. 

Interventions: As part of our ALN provision, ALN pupils may attend targeted interventions, including direct Instruction (literacy and numeracy intervention), small group and 1:1 sessions. This focus on IEP targets and includes a range of areas of need.  There are four broad areas of need:

Communication and interaction

Cognition and learning

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

Sensory and/or physical need

External Agencies: We work closely with a range of external agencies to ensure that pupils at Les Beaucamps High are fully supported in and outside of school. These agencies include the Educational Psychology Service, Les Voies Outreach, Speech and Language Therapy, Dyslexia Day Centre, Liberate, Sports Commission, Autism Guernsey, National Autistic Society, English as an Additional Language Service, Visual and Hearing Services, Youth Commission, CAMHS (Children and Adult Mental Health Service), CIAS (Communication, Interaction, and Autism Service), Action for Children, School Nurse, Young Carers, Sunflower Trust, KIDVA, SAFER, Stronger families and Action for Children. We invite agencies into school to inform pupils and families about their services. If you would like to know more about how to contact these organisations or to find out more, please see our website Useful Contacts page. 

Regular Reading: Reading is at the heart of our curriculum; we aim to ensure children can read and understand a range of texts across the curriculum, as well as develop a love of reading. We use the Accelerated Reader programme to help students choose books suitable for their reading ability, track their progress, and aid their comprehension.  Our school librarian, Mrs Woolston, supports our students with accessing the library and is always available to suggest which books to read next.

Assess, plan, do, review: All teaching staff, middle leaders and ALNCo's are responsible for reviewing ALN pupils’ provision and its impact.  This is a continuous cycle to ensure that support is tailored to meet pupils’ needs and is part of the Universal Provision and High-quality teaching and learning at Les Beaucamps High School.

Pastoral Support Plans (PSP) 

Intervention Space:

Our intervention space is LBHS’s calm and welcoming Inclusion Space, which aims to ensure students with a range of needs have the extra support needed to help them access school whilst providing a safe haven within school. 

Students accessing the intervention space benefit from having additional key adults in school who are in regular communication with families and can communicate with teachers on their behalf. There is a small vertical tutor group which caters for students with Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, with a high staff to student ratio to ensure a positive start to the day.  

Each student accessing the intervention space has a personalised timetable and an adult mentor. Personalised timetables may include additional intervention lessons, which include 1:1 sessions focusing on either emotional or academic learning, small group work or independent learning. Some students have an ‘Exit to the intervention space’ card, which allows them to access additional emotional support throughout their day.

LBHS Intervention Information.pdf

Intervention Information

Interventions offered by Les Beaucamps High School

ADHD Referrals

LBHS receive a lot of ADHD referral requests from parents.

Your child must have been discussed with the ALNCO / Sarah Neild-Le Conte or Assistant ALCNO / Lisa Harvey for us to complete the documentation required for the referral. We are not able to complete any referrals without prior knowledge of the referral taking place as we have to confirm and sign that your child has been discussed with us prior to any referral being made.

ADHD referral for possible assessment process:




Autism Diagnostic Service referral process for possible assessment:

If you would like to find out more about how we support your child, or if you wish to discuss our student services, ALN and inclusion provision, please contact our team.