Individuals and Societies
Making clear progress in I&S!
We are now more than half way through the first year of GCSE study at LAB and our students have recorded some fantastic results. From the successes of the first formal assessment, to the continuing triumphs of the most recent results, students are showing not only that they have understood what is required of them and that they are able to demonstrate it on paper, but also that they have a clear passion for learning. In that spirit, the I&S department has done two things: to reward the efforts of students and to ask for feedback concerning how effective students perceive their learning to be.
Book Giving
On 24 March, students that have evidenced the LAB values of Scholarship, Resilience and Ambition were acknowledged in book-giving presentations. Students from all three colleges and across all I&S subjects were rewarded for their hard work with subject specific books that will help them to more fully understand their subjects. In Airy we congratulated the efforts of Jessica P and Erim L; in Fawcett we celebrated Alex R, Lubna J, Rihanna S, Promise A and Ambar S; whilst in Sancho Lacie P, Kayden B-W and Ruby A were rewarded for all of their efforts. We wish them all the best of luck in their future studies, and thank their teachers for all of the hard work that has facilitated such success.
Engaging Students
As part of the commitment in I&S to make sure that students enjoy their learning, see the relevance of what they are being taught, as well as making the best progress possible, we have recently asked some of the students who have additional needs to contribute to an anonymous survey about their experiences.
Writes one student: ‘I would say that my lessons are very good for my knowledge.’ and another that: ‘the learning does help me understand the modern world.’
Whilst another student notes that their enjoyment of their lessons in I&S is ’depending on what the topic is.’, a peer states that ‘learning I&S subjects thoroughly grinds into my mindset the "real" world without sugar-coating it.’
We are very happy that all students responded that they were supported in their individual needs, with one writing: ‘I find that the lessons manage to teach in ways that helps me, such as with recap quizzes to help remember information’ and another that: ‘Our teachers provide us with a valid amount of Slides that have been personally made, fitted with their expertise and information gained in their subject. Our teachers also provide us with textbooks that give us information needed to grasp the aspects of certain subjects that we're learning. They also answer any questions that we may have.’
We shall continue to answer any questions that students may have, whilst also making sure to highlight the relevance of the subjects to their daily lives. We look forward to being able to report on the progress that students have made by the time they are in Year 11!
R Oelschlägel
Director of Learning for Individuals and Societies.
Religious Education Module 4
Sikhism in Year 9
In this module, we have been learning about one of the most-followed religions in the world today - Sikhism. Pupils have discovered the dramatic events that led to the beginning of Sikhism and explored how the religion developed. We have explored how Sikhism grew from the experiences of an Indian man called Nanak who lived around 500 years ago, to become a global religion that is now followed by over 25 million people. Pupils examined some of the ideas that have shaped Sikhism and that influence the lives of its many followers around the world today.
Year 8: The life and teachings of Jesus
In this module pupils were introduced to `The life and teachings of Jesus. Pupils have been studying Jesus' teaching of love using examples from the scriptures. Pupils have been investigating the four types of Christian love, expressing agape love and what Christians mean when they say 'love your enemy'.
We finished the module looking at the last week of Jesus’ life and the importance of the belief in the resurrection for Christians.
Year 7: Sharing Beliefs
Throughout the term, pupils were extending their understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions in a local, national and global context. They have deepened their understanding of important beliefs, concepts and issues of truth within the major religions of the world.
Introducing Sociology - Department of Individual & Societies
Sociology can be described as the study of people and the society in which they live. As we all live within a society, we have our own examples of how our lives work. For example, within our family, within our school, within our local community. Sociology is a rich and diverse subject requiring open mindedness and up-to-date and relevant examples.
We are introducing GCSE Sociology AQA into our curriculum offer at LAB. Topics include:
Families & Households
Social Stratification
Crime & Deviance
These topics can be assessed using different theories. For example, a Marxist will suggest that people with money hold too much power and prevent people from lower socio-economic groups gaining power. A Feminist might suggest that our society is still patriarchal and limits the progress a woman can make. These theories allow for an interesting debate on most topics.
Any questions? Come and ask us in I&S!
Year 10 Core RE Excellent Work

Calling all Geography Lovers!
The Geography Superstars classroom has been set up for all students to enjoy Geography on a wider scale, outside of the classroom.
Each week tasks will be posted that stretch and challenge students, but also help to engage them and develop their geography skills and knowledge.
If you wish to join the classroom please do so via this code: wgy3zun.
Remember - if you do complete any activities we would love to hear from you! Share your amazing work on the classroom for extra merits.
The LAB Geography Team
LAB Eco & Gardening Club to start next term!
A new club will commence next term giving you the opportunity to develop your eco awareness and gardening skills.
Students will:
Learn how to become more sustainable citizens.
Learn about different plants and ecosystems.
Help create a new eco-garden which will be a haven for wildlife and a new wellbeing space for the LAB community.
Our first project is called ‘Blooming Biodiversity’ where you will investigate ways of increasing biodiversity using methods such as seed bombs and creating new green spaces.
Start date: Thursday 21st April
Room: C203