Manage Models

This page contains a table of all the models that have been created in the application.

From this page you can edit, delete, start/stop and create new models.

The table contains the following information:

    • Model Name: A link to the model view
    • Data Source ID: What data sets is the model based on
    • Target Variable: What are you trying to predict / explore with this model.
    • Created: When was it built
    • N: How many respondents are in this model
    • Status: Ready (Green) = run, Stopped (Red), Ready (Red) = ready to run, Calculating (Yellow) = doing math.
    • MCS/Accuracy: For single fold models - we use all of the data to train and test the model - we calculate the Model Contract Score as way of estimating goodness of fit. How much contrast can we generate using this model in the predicted variable. The maximum number is 100%, the minimum value for this measure is 0%. For k=10 fold models, we calculate accuracy True Positive + True Negative / N
    • Last Calculation: When did the model last run
    • Last Crawler run: When did the application last get data.

Other page actions are search (self-explanatory) and Add New Model.

Each model has two Model Actions, edit and delete.

    • Edit Model: Lets you set / edit the parameters associated with a model
    • Delete: Lets you delete a model.