How to Search In a Static Data File?

Click the binoculars icon displays the Search Static Data form. This form allows for exact searches and fuzzy searches of the specified columns.

To perform a search you type in your search terms in the text box.

Using a ~ character you can use a fuzzy search.

The first of the two sliders beneath the search term text box determine the cut off for the fuzzy search. A high cut off value, the narrower the search, fewer matches will be returned. A low value allows more terms through the net, in other words it will be fuzzier.

The second slider determines how many results you want to display in this form. If more results are found, the application will create a filter type file containing the results and present a link rather than a list of results.

Results Link

If the results produced are more than the number of results displayed cut off then a link is returned. Clicking on this link will open up this text file in a separate browser window. Clicking on the trash can icon will delete this file.

The file is saved as a mapping type file and can be used as a filter on this and other data sets that have the same variable.

Results Displayed

If the number of results is less than the cut-off then the values "matching" the search criteria are displayed in a text box. Cancel closes this view.

Users can create a new filter using these results or add them to an existing filter. Clicking "Add To" will display a new modal form that will let users select an existing filter to add these results.

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