How to use Bulk Price solution?

The Bulk Price Solution can be used to find the optimal price points and pricing strategies across all items and locations.

Before using the bulk price tool, the user needs to have a properly formatted file to work with.

1. First go to "Manage Static Data".

2. Select "Add New Data" and upload the file as an "Unprocessed-Price Elasticity" dataset type.

3. After selecting the file or files you wish to upload, select "De-Limited by Semi-Colon".

4. Now go back to the home page, go to "Solutions" and select the "Bulk Price Tool".

5. Select the "Split Data" icon.

6. In the configuration window start by clicking on the "Static data ready for split" tab and selecting from amongst the recently uploaded files, those you wish to split.

Note: For files that are too large, there is the option to continue the process with a random sample of the data by selecting the box shown to the right.

The next part of the process is selecting a header file that will match the data files you are splitting. If you already have a header file saved you will be able to find that under the "Use Existing Split Rules" Button.

If you do not already have a header file saved that matches the data, select the "Define new split rules" button and follow the steps below.

What is a Header file?

7. Select the "Example Header File" and then proceed to fill in the header definitions on the right by clicking on the options on the left and then selecting which of the header definitions it corresponds to. At the minimum the header definitions with an asterisk must be filled in.

8. Select a date format, name the split rules, and click split data.

9. After a few seconds of processing you will see an error message appear in the Bulk Processing page . This is expected. In absence of a pre-existing header file the program has created a new file, unique to the imported data. This error message will only appear the first time you make a rule set for a group of files. To continue the process select the "Split Data" icon again.

10. Select the files you selected before, and then click the "Use Existing Rules" button. You will see the option to select the rule set you just named. Select that rule set and click split data.