Junior Kindergarten/


Dream Big Little Kid

Week of April 19-23

This week students talked about their dreams. What are dreams, what do you want to achieve? Ask your student about what their dream is!


Week of April 12-16

This week students learned the importance of helping one another and working together. 

Free Play!

Week of April 5-9

Students earned free play time this week. We got to play with puzzles, playdough, legos, color, and some IPad time as well. This encourages working together and communication with one another. 

We can all get along!

Week of March 29-April 1

This week we learned that we don't always have to be right, and that we can have our own likes and still be friends!

Managing My Anger

Week of March 22-26

Students learned this week what anger is, how to notice it, and learned ways how to cope/manage that anger before it gets too big. 

A bad case of tattle tongue 

Week of March 8-12

This week students learned about the difference between telling and tattling. 

Free Play

week of March 1-5

Students earned free play time this week. We got to play with puzzles, playdough, legos, color, and some IPad time as well. This encourages working together and communication with one another. 


Week of February 22-26

This week students learned about being helpful and how to have/practice compassion with others.


Week of February 8&9, 16-19

Students learned about acts of kindness, respect, and how to share these qualities with others. 

Respect & following the rules

Week of February 1-5

Students learned about what respect is and how we can practice it at home and at school.

Free Play

Week of January 25-29

Students earned free play time this week. We got to play with puzzles, playdough, legos, color, and some IPad time as well. This encourages working together and communication with one another. 

Hands are not for hitting

Week of January 19-22

This week students will listen to the book about hands, and what they can do instead of hitting. 

Chrysanthemum (respect)

Week of January 11

This week students will listen to the book Chrysanthemum and be able to talk about our differences and the need to give and receive respect regardless of difference. 

Body Safety

Week of January 4

This week we read the book My body belongs to me, and talked about how to keep our bodies safe. We also talked about safe adults to talk to help keep us safe. A handout was sent home with students. 

Power of Giving

Week of December 21

This week students talked about the holiday season, giving gifts, and made a colored present to give to a peer. 

Olive the other Reindeer

Week of December 14

Students watched a movie on Olive the other reindeer that showed setting goals, believing in yourself, never giving up, celebrating differences, respect, helpfulness, and kindness. 

Deck the Halls with Kindness!

Week of Dec 7

Students decorated holiday lights and wrote an example of something they can do that is kind for others!

Playing Safely

Week of November 30

Students talked about the importance of playing safely with our friends on the playground, at school, and home. 

Thankfulness project

Week of November 16

Students made a thankful tree with all the things they are thankful for. 


Week of November 9

Students talked about being thankful, what we are thankful for, and how to show it. 

Friendly Francine

Week of November 2

Students discussed how to develop interpersonal skills to understand and respect self and others. 

Decision Making Dean

Week of October 26

Students talked about decisions good and poor, and how we can make great decisions. 

Emotional Eugene

Week of October 19

This week we talked about emotions, and how everyone has them. We talked about what they look like, and how to manage our emotions. 

Angry Arlene

Week of October 12

Students talked about what it means to be anger and how we know that we are getting angry. We also talked about how to calm/coping skills for when we get upset. 


Week of October 5

Students reviewed the Cyber 5 Rules of internet safety. They listened to a story that talked about the importance of asking a grown up for help when using the internet.

Howard B. Wigglebottom learns to listen

Week of September 28

This story showed students some silly consequences that can happen if we don't listen carefully! ....but we also talked about some serious consequences that can happen in school and at home. 


Week of September 21

We watched a video called the waiting game while each student also played along with a marshmallow. If they could wait to eat the marshmallow the whole video they got another. A great lesson in self-control!


Week of September 14

This week we talked about what is a good friend? What are things we can do to be a good friend? 

A bug and a wish

Week of September 8 

We talked about problem solving, and how to approach different sorts of problem. We also talked about using our voice and empowering ourselves. 

Big problem vs. little problem

Week of August 31

We talked about what is little problem and what is a big problem. What is the difference? A little problem is something we can solve on our own. A big problem is something we need adults help for. 

Zones of regulation

Week of August 24

We talked about each zone and what emotions go into each of them. Students also learned different ways to calm themselves (or get back to Green!) when they are facing challenging emotions.

Welcome to School! Meet the Counselor

First week of school

We talked about what a school counselor is, what they do, and reason to see the school counselor.