Mr. Villalovos

I have been involved in public education since 1993: first as an instructional assistant, then as a substitute, and eventually as a credentialed teacher in 2004. Rubidoux High School is my 8th school and JUSD is my 5th district. My journey as a teacher was not easy, but in 2015 I was fortunate to make my way to Jurupa USD when I joined the staff at Mission Middle School, where I taught from 2015-2021. Since joining JUSD, I have taught ELA 8 and 10, AVID, yearbook, and Power Up!

I earned my Bachelors in English literature and teaching credential in English Language Arts through California State University at Fullerton and a Masters degree in lesson planning and design from Concordia University in Irvine. Outside of traditional education, I am a lifelong learner seeking new knowledge continuously. My interests are long and varied and enjoy speaking with people who can offer me something new to learn. no matter how trivial it might seem.

I live in the city of Orange in Orange County. Although the distance from my home to Rubidoux is considerable, the differences are not. My own neighborhood, as the many I have taught in, and Jurupa are very similar with similar families and backgrounds. Because of this I have grown a great affection for Rubidoux and the surrounding communities.

Aside from teaching I enjoy spending time with my family. I am married with two young boys that have taught me that I have even more patience than I thought, even after working with teenagers form so many years. Keeping physically active is important to me. I believe intellectual, emotional, and spiritual health to be inseparable from physical health. I am open minded and welcome conversations from anyone who would like to have one. 

Current Schedule:

Advisory AVID 10