Email Etiquette

Step 1: Create a clear subject line (short and to the point)

Do's:  Tutoring Opportunities

Don't:  I am having a hard time in class, what are the tutoring oppotunities

Step 2: Appropriately address the staff member (always use the last name, not first name)

Do's:  Dear Mr. Gonzalez,

Don't: Hey Mr. Gonzalez or Hey Anthony

Step 3: Introduce Yourself

Do's:  This is Susan Smith, 1023252525, in your 3rd period Math 1 class. 

Don't:  What's up, it's me Casey.

**** Please check your grammar and DO NOT use texting lingo****

Step 4: Be Detailed and Respectful (Body of the Email)

Do's:  This is Susan Smith, 1023252525, in your 3rd period Math 1 class. I am having a difficult understanding linear equations.  Can you please share with me the tutoring opportunities you offer.

Don't:  What's up, it's me Casey. Message me back.

 Step 5: Appropriate Close the Email (Always sign your full name at the end)

Do's:  Sincerely, Susan Smith

Don't:  I'm out