Unit 4: Learn SQL


 Learn Graphical User Interfaces with Game Project


What is Database Development?

What is SQL and why should I care about learning it?

Like it or not, Data is everywhere. From your Instagram feed to the supermarket shelves, without data and data management software, it would all fall apart. Databases hold all this data and, in order to manipulate it, we need a language to help us to "talk" to the database. That language is called SQL and it still sits in the top 10 programming languages in the world despite being invented in 1970!

In this course, you'll learn to create and manipulate databases with a mix of SQL and Python. 

What is SQL?

Watch this video!


Task 1  | Complete ONE of the following SQL Tutorials

~ Approximately 1 week

The aim is to learn SQL and have a basic understanding and can do x, y, z

Option 1

Grok Academy SQL Tutorial

Another great step by step written tutorial from Grok.

This contains expanations, in-browser code practice, quizzes and challenges.

Assigned in Grok!

Option 2

Khan Academy SQL Tutorial

This is a great free course teaching you all you need to know about SQL in a real practical way. You get short videos and exercises and several challenges to help you nail down the concepts. Well worth running through the SQL Basics section.

Option 3

W3 Schools SQL Tutorial

This is a great place to go to learn SQL and doubles as an amazing reference resource when you get stuck. The exercises can be done in the browser and they are really well explained, covering everything you will need in SQL to work with databases.

Task 2 | Test your Knowledge of SQL

SQL Island

Another great step by step written tutorial from Grok.

This contains expanations, in-browser code practice, quizzes and challenges.

See here >>>

SQL Murder Mystery

This is challenging SQL Murder Mystery game to really challenge your skills. Use SQL to solve the murder. Don't forget to check out the 🔗ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) so you can work out the proper queries to solve the puzzle.


Task 3 | Intro to SQLite

~ Approximately 1 week

Complete the Python Database Tutorial

Beginner-focused intro lesson for using SQL with Python. 

Work through this to understand how to query your SQLite database file with Python and output the results of the queries.

In this tutorial, you will:

Submit a short video of your code to your teacher

Create a SQLite Project IN 🔗REPLIT!

Intro to SQLite3 in Python

Watch this video!

Extension exercises for super keen programmers

Intro to Web Application Development: Intro to Flask

Beginner focussed introductory lesson to the Flask Web Framework.

Work through this and make sure you are able to make a basic Flask App using VSCode, Python, Flask and HTML/CSS

By the end of the tutorial you will have made a working Web Application with Python code that serves HTML to your web browser and sends it simple data.

This is a critical first step to understanding how it all goes together to make a data focussed web applications.

Follow along and PLEASE USE HEADPHONES! Google captions don't work very well with Scottish accents...

Create a Flask Project IN 🔗REPLIT or work in VSCode on a Personal Computer.