Learn WEBSITES 2.0

Basic Websites

Before you begin, refresh on your HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using these cool intro projects assigned on Teams in REPL.IT.

Portfolio Website

This project is  assigned on Teams in REPL.IT. This is a simple responsive one-pager portfolio website template that was made for Repl.it template jam. You can use it and make it yours by changing things and colors to your style and liking! They made it with a lot of hard work, love and of course with code :) yTHey were not a professional coder, but they tried their best to make it look cool and yet still keep it simple. While working with JS they got many errors, but thanks to Kakashi for fixing them. Also thanks to all people on discord who provided feedback and suggestions, especially Panda and Kub! :D (author stated)

Mistakes are proof that we are trying!

PHP Website using Bootstrap Styling

Create a games websites with the knowledge you know? Create a 17K Mobile Strategy Games website. This will be expanded on in Database lesson but great to apply knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS to design a PHP website using Bootstrap Styling.

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.  Bootstrap is completely free to download and use! In your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) assigned on REPL/TEAMS  you will see all Bootstrap Files are added already. Follow w3schools Bootstrap Tutorials to add easy styling to Games Website with the Tutorial below.


L2 Lesson 1: Web Intro

Lesson 1: Intro

L2 Lesson 2: Websites

Lesson 2: ePortfolio Site

L2 Lesson 3b: Music Website

Lesson 3a: Music Website

L2 Lesson 3: Games Website

Lesson 3b: Games Website