Unit 1: Learn Python


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What is Python?

Python is a powerful and friendly programming language that lots of developers all over the world love to use. It's known for being easy to understand and write, and it's really useful.

It was created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s, and because it's open-source (which means anyone can use it and help make it better), there are lots of developers working on it. This has led to a big collection of tools and things you can use with Python.

Python is great for all sorts of things, like making websites, looking at data, creating artificial intelligence, and doing tasks automatically. Whether you're just starting to learn to code or you've been doing it for a while, Python is a good choice because it's clear and can handle both simple and complex projects.

Who, What, Why Python?

Watch this video!


Task 1  | Learn What Python is through Education Perfect

~ Approximately 2 lessons

Learn the what and why Python Programming Language.  There are some quizzes to test your knowledge.

Log into Education Perfect and complete the assigned course.

Task 2 | Learn Python through Grok Academy

~ Approximately 3 weeks

This excellent resource is now free to all students and teachers in NZ.  You have been enrolled in a class, set up by you Mrs Greeff and she can monitor your progress and help those who are falling behind.

RIGHT:  Intro to Programming Course OR for those who need a challenge: Intro to Programming 2

Students: Sign up and get your enrolment code from your teacher. Then start learning!

~~ Otherwise try one of these..... ~~

Learn Python From Scratch

This is an easy to watch and follow along tutorial to learn Python. Mosh takes you from complete beginner to expert in an hour. Well worth watching if you have never programmed before. But it is an hour long!! 

If you are struggling with understanding programming watch this for homework!!

Microsoft Python for Beginners

Amazing series of short informative videos.

Code along as your host explain in detail everything that you need to get a really solid grasp of Python.

It is highly recommended to just do from video 1 to 32.

The info beyond that is great if you want to become a software engineer but not necessary for this level.

~~ Test Your Python Knowledge ~~

Do the W3 Schools Python Quiz!

Click here or the image to the right to start the quiz.

What can you get out of 25? Points will be converted to XP/GP.

Mrs Greeff will check the progress on GOOGLE CLASSROOM as a class competition.


Task 3 | Code WOF

~ Approximately 1 week

Practice your problem decomposition and puzzle-solving skills in Python in the excellent site: CodeWOF.

CodeWOF goes from beginner to intermediate and is a great programming practice. It has cool short puzzles to solve and immediate feedback. This short video will help you get started using CodeWOF.

From the basics of how it works and what the problem types are to more advanced topics around string slicing, functions, and dictionaries.

Watch this to get you started on one of the best practice resources for Python Programmers in the world.

Task 4 | Checkpoint - CodeWOF Score

Beat the high score!

This is a class competition to see who gets the most points in CodeWOF. Points will be converted to XP/GP.

Can you be top of the class?

Task 5a | Code for Humans

~ Approximately 1 week

This video series will cover the important things you have to keep in mind when you write code for humans. 

Code for Humans means code that is meant to be read by other humans (code comments, docstrings, good variable names etc) and code that is meant to be used by humans (error checking, good error messages, good instructions, crash proofing etc.)

You'll also walk through a simple example of a problem, similar to your assessment problems. In that, you will learn to write highly readable and unbreakable code that neatly handles input errors.

Students: Write the "Can I Vote" program together with the instructor and see if you can work out how and why it works.

Task 5b: Checkpoint- Code for humans

Now that you've completed your Code for Humans tutorial you should be prepared to write better Python.

A copy of this document to the right has been assigned to you. Please navigate to it and fill it out.

You'll need to copy and paste your code and answer a few questions about writing code for humans. Use the videos above to help you answer the questions.

Code For Humans Checkpoint

Task 6 | Can you Read Python?

What's this about?

Most people learn to read a language before they learn how to write it correctly. 

Python is no different.

In this quiz, try to trace through the program step by step in your head and work out what the answer is.

For some of the later questions, I highly recommend a pen and paper.

This skill is super important and if you have trouble, google it or go test the code and try to work out where you are missing some knowledge. Misconceptions about how and why code works the way it does is one of the main barriers students have in becoming great programmmers.

Good Luck!!

Classcraft BOSS BATTLE will commence on Friday! Be Prepared!

CWC 1 - Python
CWC 2 - Python

Task 7 | CodeRunner

Sign up for the course "Always On"

go to https://csse-ncea-auto.canterbury.ac.nz/ 

Create an account and self-enrol with the key "Welcome!"

There are a couple of courses, 

Extension exercises for super keen programmers

57 Fun (and Unique) Python Project Ideas for Beginners in 2023 

This website is used as a recruitment tool for Google and Microsoft! Tackle some real brain-bending problems in Python and maybe even get on the global leaderboards.

The Home of competitive programming. Use the "Train" section to try out some of the questions from past NZ and international competitions.

Free to register and use programming courses at the University of Canterbury. We highly recommend the "Programming Contest Problem Archive"