Scratch Taster

Animate your Name

Use the online Scratch Tutorial once logged into your Scratch Account or this PDF tutorial to animate your own name, a saying or joke.

Platform Game

Pico needs to get to the key without falling into the fire, else you lose. When you go the key you need to get the coin that will appear to Win the game.

Car Racing Game

Hit the Green Flag to start the game and race with a friend clockwise the the FINISH line. Using the arrows (Player 1) and W,A,S & D (Player 2) race around to the finish line. Stay in on the road else you will revert back to the start again! If you crash into your your opponent you will also revert back to start. You also cannot cheat by rotating and crossing anti-clockwise over the finish line!

Butterfly Launcher

Press the Green Flag to begin. Player uses arrow keys to turn and 'space' to move forward. The goal is to get to your friends to get a point. Eat the banana and get a bonus 5 points added to your score. Trick is every time you reach your friends to revert back to the start and a rock gets cloned as an obstacle to your friends.

Waka Racing Game

Hit the Green Flag to start the game and race with a friend clockwise the the FINISH line. Using the arrows (Player 1) and W,A,S & D (Player 2) race around to the finish line. Stay in on the course else you will revert back to the start again! You also cannot cheat by rotating and crossing anti-clockwise over the finish line!

Space Race Game

Press the Green Flag to begin. Use the SPACEBar to move up and ‘FALL’ down when released! Goal is to get higher that level 12!