Unit 3: Game Projects


 TUI Projects


Database Projects


A Graphical User Interface, or GUI, is a visual interface that allows users to interact with computers and software through graphical elements such as icons, buttons, windows, and menus. Unlike text-based interfaces, GUIs enhance user experience by providing a visually intuitive way to navigate complex tasks. Users interact with GUIs using input devices like a mouse, making computing more accessible without the need for memorizing intricate command-line instructions.

Key features of GUIs include the use of visual elements like icons and buttons for intuitive navigation, a WYSIWYG approach that shows users a preview of the final output as they work, and interactive capabilities that enable tasks such as clicking, dragging, and resizing. GUIs also support multitasking, allowing users to work with multiple windows and applications simultaneously, and they contribute to accessibility by minimizing the learning curve, making computing more inclusive for a diverse user base.

In modern computing, GUIs are integral components of operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as various software applications such as web browsers, office suites, and design tools. The evolution of GUIs has played a crucial role in making technology more approachable, even for users with limited technical knowledge, fostering a user-friendly computing environment.

~ Approximately 2 weeks

Your mission begins with the creation of the "Roll It 13" game, where you'll learn to program in Python while embracing the thrill of chance and strategy. The game involves rolling dice, tallying points, and employing strategic decisions to achieve a winning score. To keep you on track, Mrs. Greeff has set up checkpoints at crucial stages of the project. From understanding the game rules in the initial checkpoints to mastering advanced features in later stages, each checkpoint propels you forward in your game development journey.


Remember, each checkpoint is a milestone in your game development adventure, providing opportunities to apply what you've learned and ensuring a well-rounded understanding of GUI game programming. 

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Resources Files

Software Engineering CHEATSHEET

1. Software Engineering

Deal Breakers

Student assessment work MUST include…

For a higher grade (M / E) we are also looking for…

Nice to haves / good habits

Task 1  | Develop the Roll It 13 Dice Game

~ Approximately 1 week

YouTube Video 🔗Playlist

Task 2  | Develop the Rock Paper Scissors Game

~ Approximately 1 week

YouTube Video 🔗Playlist

Task 3  | Develop the Higher / Lower Game

~ optional

YouTube Video 🔗Playlist