Gwrandewch ar gerddoriaeth

Mae gwrando ar gerddoriaeth wrth ymarfer corff yn gallu helpu i wella ansawdd eich ymarfer corff trwy gynyddu eich stamina a'ch rhoi mewn hwyliau gwell. Yn benodol, dangosir bod cerddoriaeth sy'n ysgogol neu'n gydamserol â'ch ymarfer yn cael effeithiau corfforol a seicolegol.

Listen to music

Listening to music while exercising can help improve the quality of your exercise by increasing your stamina and putting you in a better mood. In particular, music that is stimulating or synchronous with your practice is shown to have both physical and psychological effects.

Music often changes your perception of your effort throughout rehearsal: it seems easier to run that mile or complete a few extra sittings when Beyoncé or Eminem are right there with you.