PDG Overview

Pupil Deprivation Grant and Early Years Pupil Deprivation Grant


What is the Pupil Deprivation Grant?

The pupil deprivation grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (e-FSM) and pupils who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (LAC). 

Schools are expected to make the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about changes for learners eligible for free school meals or those who are LAC.

How is the Pupil Deprivation Grant implemented at Aberdare Park Primary School?

At Aberdare Park Primary, we are using important research carried out by the Education Endowment Foundation  to make sure we use strategies and methods proven to be effective when closing the gap in attainment of our learners.

At Aberdare Park Primary, the spending of our PDG is carefully allocated to areas which are proven to ‘make a difference’ for learners, and the main areas and objectives are:

Teaching and Learning –To ensure the use of careful assessment to make sure disadvantaged pupils’ needs are met and that their progress is tracked to ensure the best outcomes for every child.

Enrichment and Experience –To provide interesting, engaging, rich and high quality learning experiences and enrichment activities. We strive to raise our children’s aspirations for themselves through giving them access to opportunities that widen their horizons. To provide a wide range of after school activities without financial barriers to participation.

Social and Emotional Learning – To develop interventions that meet our children’s needs and support them to be ‘ready to learn’.

Parental Engagement – To support parents and carers in their involvement in their child’s learning through a range of projects, ranging from Community Playgroups to Family Cooking Sessions.

PDG/EYPDG Spending Plan 2023/2024

Click on the document to show the planned spending of these grants at Aberdare Park Primary School.

Click here for more information about PDG and EYPDG from the Welsh Government.

Copy of PDG-EIG School Statement Sept 23.pdf