38-50 India street

Grace D.

India street before displacement

Where is India Street?

38-50 India Street is located on the Boston waterfront. Before 1861, this parcel was located on the water, however since then, the wharf has been filled in to expand the land surface. Since 1861, the wharf has been developed further from India Street creating India Square and India Wharf. Because of this access to port resources, India Street became a hub for importing trade goods.

Occupations on india Street

Considering its location to a major port, 38-50 India Street developed into a successful parcel for transportation and commerce and increased in value as the resources became more desirable. This desire influenced a series of factories, warehouses and company transports to function on India Street and the value of the property became of interest to many real estate investors. 


“Atlascope Boston.” Atlascope Boston · Historic Urban Atlases from the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center, Norman B Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library, 2020 

"GINTER COMPANY'S NEW WAREHOUSE: FACILITIES PROVIDED FOR SUPPLYING THE SIX RETAIL STORES MAINTAINED BY THE COMPANY." Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922), Jul 19, 1914. https://holycross.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=cas&url=https://www.proquest.com/historical-newspapers/ginter-companys-new-warehouse/docview/502608465/se-2.

RESTARICK, CHAS W. "REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS: PROPERTY ON INDIA ST TRANSFERRED. FELLOWS OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY SELL TWO PARCELS. MUCH ACTIVITY IS NOTED IN THE SUBURBS." Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922), Mar 31, 1912. https://holycross.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=cas&url=https://www.proquest.com/historical-newspapers/real-estate-transactions/docview/501963664/se-2.

R.S. Brine Transportation Company Advertisement, The Boston Directory containing the city record, a directory of the citizens, business  directory and street directory with map, Sampson & Murdock Co., 1916, Internet Archive.