172-210 State street

Valentina M.

State Street was a rumbling street filled with diverse stores with the interaction of the wharves just across Atlantic Avenue. In present day, State Street is well known for its part in the financial district. Even during the time before the Big Dig, compared to the other parcels along State Street, the parcel of 172-210 was not well known for any type of banking or financial aspect. Rather, what lined this parcel was indeed a diverse group of stores in which communities came together. The influence of the wharves continued these relationships, up until the Big Dig. Although this parcel is not close to the wharf, having grocery stores and businesses in which utilized international trade further influenced the growth of these businesses. The wharves are not something that will be touched upon on in this discussion, but it is important to mention them in relation to the other parcels in this neighborhood. 

Evolution of Map Making: 

The sequential order of maps between 1883 to 1938 provided by Atlascope. 

When observing maps, not just State Street, but of other parcels, one is able to observe the change in owners, the inheritance of the possible family business or see the difference between modern day and how the Big Dig impacted these businesses. 

Businesses of State Street

One will be able to note when exploring these businesses is the people who owned these buildings and their lives. Not only that, but how these businesses came into being and who the contributors are. 

You will explore the lives of: 

Although there are more business' that can be explored, there are multiple changes to the owners which then might also change what the business might have been. 

The fires of State street

The main fire that will be observed is the Great Fire of 1872. The other one will be what is shown in the image to the left, the fire of Peanut Kelley Co. 

The Great Fire of Boston of 1872 did not only destroy buildings and businesses but there was a true loss of life that will be discussed. 

Works Cited

Jones, Leslie. "Four alarm Peanut Kelley Co. fire on State Street." Photograph. [ca. 1917–1934]. Digital Commonwealth, https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/05742b12t (accessed December 12, 2022).

Boston (Mass.). "176-190 State Street." Photograph. September 26, 1912. Digital Commonwealth, https://cityofboston.access.preservica.com/uncategorized/IO_caf83831-3d72-4474-9945-b62bac994805/ (accessed December 12, 2022).

Atlascope Boston, Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library, Philadelphia : G.W. Bromley & Co., 1883 - 1938