Studying 1-24 Cross St.

Jenna S.

Cross Street 1-24, is located directly off Haymarket Square in Boston’s North End. Haymarket Square is the epicenter of Boston's food chain making it serve as a type of focal point for the city. The parcel is located close to the Boston and Maine Railroad's huge depot. The parcel underwent a series of drastic changes especially in the street patterns from the 19th-20th centuries. My study centers this parcel beginning in 1883 telling the story of landowners, lodging houses, and streets expansions.


-Who owned the majority of the buildings?

-Did they live and work close to their properties?  -What were their occupations? 

Lodging Houses:

-What role did lodging houses play in the Cross St. atmosphere? 

-Was there nightlife? -Were they a hot spot for drama? 

Street Expansion:

-What are the details on the project?

-When did it happen?

-Why did they do it?