1-22 Blackstone Street

Maggie H.

The area of Blackstone Street has taken many faces throughout history. Its origins in the early 1800s began as a creek that was filled in. However soon after around the 1880s, it became a hub of industry within the city. With eleven brick buildings all four stories tall, it may have looked uniform, however we can learn a unique and different story about most of the different properties. 1-22 Blackstone was a place of the hustle and bustle and industry sandwiched between several prominent markets within Boston.  Its legacy and mark within Boston is one that is missed today. 

Image References

Cover Photo- Bromley, George Washington, and Walter Scott Bromley. Map. 1883. Atlas of the City of Boston. https://atlascope.leventhalmap.org/#view:map. 

Industry Photo- Jones, Leslie. "Blackstone Street from Custom House Tower." Photograph. [ca. 1930]. Digital Commonwealth, https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/5h73r9485 (accessed December 08, 2022).

Property Owners Photo- "HE WILL WED A COUNTESS.: MAJ EDWARD H. ELDREDGE OF 8TH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT TO MARRY THE MARQUISE DE MEDICI, HIS COUSIN." Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922), Nov 12, 1900. https://holycross.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=cas&url=https://www.proquest.com/historical-newspapers/he-will-wed-countess/docview/499403839/se-2.

Crimes Photo- Jones, Leslie. "Crime photographs." Photograph. [ca. 1934–1956]. Digital Commonwealth, https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/5h73vv480 (accessed December 12, 2022).