Lesson 1: Reagan

What were the causes and effects of the end of the Cold War? What was its legacy?


End of the Cold War

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"The Triumph of the Right"

  1. What factors contributed to the rise of the New Right?

  2. How did Ronald Reagan and the New Right shift political discourse in the United States?

  3. How did American race relations evolve in the 1980s?

  4. What cultural developments shaped the 1980s?

  5. Did the New Right accomplish its policy goals?

Gorbachev's New Policies.pdf

Skills Packet

"Turning Points: Reagan Elected ... "

"Interpretation 1980s"

"Argumentation: 'The Election of Ronald Reagan ... '"

"Interpretation: End of the Cold War"

What is the conservative and liberal position on immigration?

Immigration and Control Act of 1986

What are provisions of this act?