Lesson 4: Roaring Twenties

How were the cause and effects of innovations in communication and technology similar to and different from previous historical periods? 

Lesson 4a Topics

Roaring Twenties APUSH

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"The New Era"

Harlem Renaissance

This poem was written by Langston Hughes, one of our great American poets. 

What lesson do you think the mother wants her son to learn?

What was happening in 1926 (or prior) that may have inspired Hughes to write this poem? 

Poem - Harlem Renaissance.pdf

What were the causes and effects of the Harlem Renaissance?

Beyond Harlem

African American inventors have often been left out of the conversation about technology that changes our lives. Watch the video about Garrett Morgan to learn about what he did for our society.

Source Analysis

Read the sermon and the column and answer the questions on a google doc in the shared drive folder titled "Twentieth-Century Cultures Clash."

Twentieth Century Cultures Clash.pdf

Lesson 4 b Topics

How Mexican Immigration to the US Has Evolved.pdf

Skills Packet

"Interpretation: 1920s"

"Causation: Consumerism"

"Interpretation: Fundamentalism vs. Modernism 1920s"

"Interpretation: Conflict Between Science and Theology"

"Causation: 1920s Culture Wars"