Lesson 7: Second Great Awakening

What were the causes and effects of the Second Great Awakening? How did it compare to the First Great Awakening?

The Second Great Awakening had a profound impact on American society by reshaping religious, social, and cultural landscapes and influencing various reform movements that sought to address the moral and social challenges of the time. The early 19th century was marked by significant social changes, including urbanization and the rise of industrialization. These changes created a sense of instability and prompted individuals to seek spiritual meaning.

The Second Great Awakening was closely tied to various reform movements, including abolitionism, temperance, and women's rights, as individuals sought to address social issues through religious means.

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"Religion and Reform"

Source Analysis

Based on your analysis of the documents, assess the validity of the following statement. List evidence to support your position and write a thesis statement.

"During America's beginnings (1730 to 1840), the country's founders, who were men of great faith, wanted to establish a society based on religious freedom and toleration."

Great Awakening_First and Second - Documents.pdf

Skills Packet

"Comparison: First and Second Great Awakening"

While both Great Awakenings shared common themes of religious revivalism and a focus on personal conversion, they differed in their historical contexts, denominational impacts, geographical reach, and societal consequences. The Second Great Awakening, in particular, had a more enduring influence on American society and played a significant role in shaping the nation's religious and social landscape. 
