Lesson 2: Exploration, Conquest, and Exchange

What were the reasons for European Exploration?

The reasons are simple -- God, Glory, and Gold. Missionaries aimed to convert indigenous poeples, empires wanted more land and discoveries for the awe factor, and gold is represented through precious metals, control over new trade routes, and the resources that new land provided. Exploring uncharted territory was the best to achieve these goals in the 15th Century.  

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"Indigenous America"

Exploration and Colonization

The slide present provides some background on the development of exploration technologies as well as the demographic, economic, and social changes that resulted from European exploration of the Americas.

Focus your notes on those three categories of changes.

Exploration & Colonization

Shared Drive

Spanish Exploration and Conquest

Skills Packet

Turning Points: Gutenberg Invents the ...

What were the positives and negatives of the Columbian Exchange in both hemispheres?

Map Study

Colubian Exchange Lists.pdf

Shared Drive

Columbian Exchange

Columbian Exchange Cause and Effect

Skills Packet

Causation: European Exploration

Columbus: Hero? or Villain?

Source Analysis

Read Columbus's report on his first voyage. As you read, make notes about the themes in the document as well as any potential for analyzing point of view, purpose, historical situation, or audience.

Columbus reports on his first voyage 1493.pdf

What were the implications of the Papal Bull?

Doctrine of Discovery 1493.pdf

Skills Packet

Interpretation: Assessment of Columbus