Lesson 2: Progressivism

How did the goals of the Progressive reformers compare to the effects of the movement?

The Progressive Era in the United States occurred from the late 19th century through the early 20th century, and it was a period of social and political activism aimed at addressing the problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, and political corruption.

The Progressive Era 1901-1917

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"The Progressive Era"

Shared Drive

"Assessing the Progressive Era Reforms"

Use the case studies, textbook reading, and the Internet to complete the document in the shared drive.

Assessing the Progressive Era Reforms - APUSH

Conservation vs. Preservation

Conservationists believe that natural resources, such as forests, waterways, and wildlife, should be managed and used in a way that allowed for their continued availability and use by humans. They advocated for policies that balanced resource use with resource conservation, and believed that conservation could be achieved through scientific management and regulation.

Preservationists believe that some areas should be protected from human exploitation and development, and advocated for the establishment of national parks, wilderness areas, and other protected areas. 

Copy of Conservation_vs_Preservation.pdf

Skills Packet

"Causation: Progressivism"

"Comparison: Populism and Progressivism"