Watch the video to the right to get a step-by-step tutorial of how to create your Google Site for HKIS. You can also follow the written instructions below.

The four basics are:

  1. Creating and Configuring Your Site

  2. Adding a Courses Page

  3. Adding an Activites Page

  4. Adding Content and Customizing


STEP 1 -CrEATE & Configure Your site

I need a site

  • Use your HKIS Gmail Account - NOT a personal account

  • If you already have a site with your student number, go to the next section.

  • Follow the steps below carefully to create your student site.

Creating a New Site

If you don't already have a site, create a site for your school projects:

Configure Web Address (URL)

    • Enter Site Name input your Student Number

    • Click Publish in the upper right corner

    • Check that YOUR student ID # (i.e. - 123456) is correct.

    • Click Publish again


Don't forget to publish your site after every update you make.

I already have a site.

  • Great! Go to Step 2 below

STEP 2 - Create an Activities page

Create a new page on your site and title it Activities.

    • Add a brief paragraph about yourself What type of learner are you? What motivates you? DO NOT SHARE PERSONAL INFORMATION

    • Drag a new layout under your paragraph and add images of your activities.

    • What are your interests? Clubs, sports, music, gaming, other personal interests

Things to Consider:

  • Think about page organization, how do your pages relate? Are related pages grouped under a "parent" page?

  • Add layouts from the Insert menu in the sidebar (see right)

  • Use links to direct visitors to other pages, files, or websites

  • Use images, videos, image carousels, buttons sparingly to give more, but keep things simple

  • Add content to all pages. Blank pages may prompt visitors to leave if your site looks empty

  • Theme changes apply across the entire site, so your project page will look somewhat similar

Layouts organize your information in an easy to view format.


Don't forget to publish your site after every update you make.

STEP 3 - Create a Courses page

Create a new page (at the top level) and title it Courses.

  • Add a layout similar to the one on your Activities page

  • For each of the layout items, add a subpage for the course you are taking (i.e. - Computing to Learn, Creative Computing, Playful Inventions, Art, Drama, etc.)

  • Add a related image and link the image to each of the course pages you created.

Optional - Add subpages for each of your courses this semester, title each subpage with the name of your course (i.e. - Playful Inventions, New Testament, Math, etc.).


Don't forget to publish your site after every update you make.

STEP 4 - Add Content & Customize

Add Content

Add Content to your site

    • INSERT layouts, text, images, videos, files and more

    • Add and organize PAGES

    • Change the site THEMES (applies to the WHOLE site)

You can develop your page as you see fit, but below are a few section suggestions to get you started.

  • Description
    What is your project? Be brief, but descriptive.

  • Materials
    What did you use to make your project? Provide a list so others can too!

  • Process
    Use text, images, and video to tell the story of the project being developed. What were your pitfalls? What are you proud of?

  • Product
    Share sketches, photos, and video of your project.

Insert separate sections using new text boxes, placeholders, dividers and more from the Insert sidebar.


Feel free to give your site a unique look and feel. Be sure to keep the navigation organized so that visitors can access your content easily.

  • Find a theme you like (themes apply across the entire site).

  • Add photos (they can be yours or from the web (give credit where credit is due)

  • Consider using matching header images on your pages.

  • No blank pages.

Related Pages

Embedding Content


Don't forget to publish your site after every update you make.