
Learn Coding, Bring Friends

Computer coding (programming) is a social activity. Coders very often seek help and support around how to code and how to solve problems.

Project[1]: Coding Charades

In this video, we introduce how we will be doing the coding (Javascript using a library called p5.js), show you how to get started drawing simple shapes, and kick off the first #CodingTogether project "Coding Charades".

Project[2] Project Finger Painting!

In this video, we kick off another #CodingTogether project using p5.js called “Finger Painting“. This project is all about getting comfortable getting messy with code and not knowing what will happen until you hit that Play button. And let's be honest, haven’t we always wanted an excuse to mash buttons on our keyboard?!

#CodingTogether[3]: YOUR Projects & the Coordinate System

In this episode, we take a look at YOUR projects, from the last two episodes (Coding Charades and Finger Painting). And then we talk a bit about the coordinate system which helps us figure out how to move things around on the screen. We round it out with some ideas to add to your last two projects.