Formula, Choice & Chance


Create three (3) different pieces of digital art that demonstrate your use of formula, choice, and chance. Pieces may contain one or a combination for the approaches (see right). For instance, you might create a piece that includes both choice and chance.

Requirements (2):

1) Create a page on your student website that each share one of the three (3) pieces. Do not create a new site for this project, add a page to your current student site.

Add a short description including the following information:

  • Why is the piece an example of formula, choice, and/or chance?

  • How did you use procedures, looping behaviors, and values or variables to achieve the desired result?

  • For each blog post, add two (2) images for each piece of art created:

    • a .png (save as...) has the code embedded within the file

    • a .img file (save image...) that has the code on the image

2) Upload each of your files to your website. Your files should be accessible through Google Drive for anyone to access and download.

Forumla Choice & Chance

Review the slides above for more detailed information about this project.

Sample Website Page


  • Tell visitors to your site about your inspiration and experience programming your art.

  • Explain why the project is either Formula, Choice, or Chance. Include evidence that supports your claim (i.e. - describe randomness in your program).

  • Identify a problem or "bug" that you ran into and how you "debugged" the program.



For this piece, I used a combination of formula and chance. Despite its formula in rows (horizontal lines) and color changes, what really makes it is the randomness of the pensize (5 - 10) and lines either 1 or 5 turtle steps in length.

An issue I needed to debug was that the rows would continue moving up towards the top of the screen as it moved right to left. I determined that the turtle would go forward 1 or 5 steps and not go back so it would appear to run off the top of the screen.

I am quite proud of this work because it required a lot of play and trimming down of code. I learned debugging is not difficult if I stopped to think about where the turtle currently is on the screen.

SoundWave code including a sub-procedure for producing each line.