Turtle Art

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Upload your Turtle Art to our Digital Art Gallery to share with students, past, present, and future!

What is Turtle Art?

TurtleArt is a block-based programming environment that is simple enough for very beginners to learn to code. Programs are coded to create digital works of art. The beauty of TurtleArt is in its simplicity and how that simplicity is used to make complex designs. Blending math and art, Turtle Art is also one of the very best ways to get started learning about programming computers. We use Turtle Art to create unlimited pieces of art.

Why Learn Turtle Art?

Combining math, art, and programming (coding), Turtle Art allows anyone to begin programming in a friendly and project oriented environment. Where many coding websites offer only tasks or exercises, Turtle Art allows you to make art from programming.

Math Connections

While you use Turtle Art, look for connections to math that you may find familiar. Using operations and other math concepts (like the Golden Ratio) can make for really beautiful pieces of digital art.

CC - U1 - Intro to Programming

Look around!

Inspiration for your next TA project might be nearby!

Student Art

Click the collage above to check out the creations by HKISMS students