Turtle Art Basics

Getting Started

It's easy to get started, just open up Turtle Art web application in the Chrome web browser.

No experience necessary. Turtle Art is designed for you to make cool designs and learn programming at the same time.

View the slides below for a quick introduction to programming. The pages to the left will provide you more information about important principles of coding.

CC - U1 - Intro to Programming

Your First Code:

  1. Drag a forward and right block on to the canvas

  2. What happens when you double-click on each block? Pay close attention, sometimes it is hard to notice what happens

  3. Snap the blocks together and double-click. What happens?

  4. Add another block and predict what it will do if you snap it to the others.

  5. Make code that draws your initials.

Do more...

    • Can you figure out a way to make a polygon shape using a stack of blocks?

    • What other shapes can you make?

    • How can you make the shapes smaller or larger?

    • Find the blocks to fill a shape with color.