Coding Art

Code + Math = Art

Art takes many forms. With a computer it can be designed using paint or sketching software or through programming. In this project, we become programmers (masters of computers) to make interesting art with code & math!

What you need:

  • laptop

  • TurtleArt (Click Here!)

  • Turtle Art cards, sample art

  • Help button (?)

  • it's good to have friends who know Turtle Art

Need Help?

View the Coding Art slides to the right for the basics of learning to code in Turtle Art.

C2L: Coding Basics - Turtle Art

Coding Art

Using Turtle Art, program a piece of art to share. You might make an interesting patter to use as a laptop wallpaper, backgrounds for slide presentations, or to use as screensavers. The design is completely your choice, but must be an original work by you and include the following programming concepts:

Values - Intentional use of inputs (number or reporter blocks) of color, shade, pensize, heading, xcor, ycor, box1, box2 etc.

Looping behaviors (repeat blocks) - Intentional use of repeat blocks that create a looping behavior that runs commands repeatedly. Remember "forever is cheap" and is not desired for a program that makes art.

Procedures - Project must contain one (1) main procedure (beginning with clean block) and at least one sub procedure (beginning with a ‘hat’ block)

Save a series of wallpapers created using Turtle Art > Save as… in in your course folder inGoogle Drive folder.

SUBMIT one wallpaper that you feel is your best work in the assignment in Unified Classroom. This file must be a .png file and not a .img file.

NOTE: By submitting your wallpaper, you are agreeing to have it shared with others in a Google Photo album.

Need Inspiration?

Look around you! The world is full of patterns, shapes, colors, and interesting objects that can be transformed into code art. Use the photo carousel of pictures or Digital Art Gallery below as inspiration for your next project!

Inspirational Designs & Patterns