HSA Course

Rating: 3.5 Stars

We received booklets from the H S A. It focused on young people at work. We followed our normal timetable and worked away through unit 2. We focused on hazards and risk assessment, manual handling and ergonomics, slips, trips and falls, first aid and fire safety. For most of it, it was common sense like slips trips and falls but i found fire safety and first aid interesting! I think it was just 5the first section that was a small bit boring as most of us knew what to do but i think as we work through the book we will start learning new things that we would not have thought about.

3 things i enjoyed

  • I enjoyed learning about the first aid and fire safety sections.

  • I enjoyed doing the activities and speed tests

  • I enjoyed learning how to deal with spills and clean them up.

1things i would change

  • I would change how slow we did it, we didn't have to go into everything as most of its a self-explanatory.