
Term 1

In term 1, we had Mr.Farrell for German. We watched a movie in German. 'Goodbye Lenin'. In October 1989, right before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Alex Kerner is living with his mom, Christiane , and sister, Ariane . But when the mother, a loyal party member, sees Alex participating in an anti-communist rally, she falls into a coma and misses the revolution. After she wakes, doctors say any jarring event could make her have a heart attack, meaning the family must go to great lengths to pretend communism still reigns in Berlin. This showed us what Germany was like and how it has changed since. It also showed us how east and west Germany was divided by the Berlin wall.

We also looked at German festivals in Term 1. We all chose a festival and talked about it in a powerpoint and presented it to the class. I chose to do my project on Fasching. The festival occurs from the 11th of November to Ash Wednesday. At the festival,there is a lot of singing, dancing, parties and lots of dressing up. They dress up and 'mock' the German government. As i said earlier, it continues all the way to ash Wednesday. On the night of Shrove Tuesday (or Faschingsdienstag as we call it in German,) a huge bonfire takes place in most German towns, the bonfire 'vanishes' all the bad things that happened during Fasching. Here is the powerpoint i presented in class.

Copy of Fasching powerpoint

Term 2

In term 2, we had Mr. Farrell for German. This term we looked at German songs, we had to make a powerpoint presentation on a German song of our choice and tell our audience why we enjoyed the song and what we thought the song was about. Here is my presentation on my German song, Glück by Alexa Feser.

Glück Alexa Feser
Untitled document