OT Corner 

OT Corner was originally created to help families support their child's development, learning, exploration and creativity through a variety of playful activities.

OT corner - issue 5

OT Corner #5 - Painting many ways!

This issue never made it into video, but nonetheless it is filled with fun ideas! 

Painting has never been so fun! 

OT Corner #4 - Story stones and painting rocks

In this video learn about Story stones! How to make them and how to play! A special visit from one of our favorite speech language pathologists is here too! 

Video created - May 2020

OT Corner #3 - Messy Play

Messy PLAY!! Learn several ways to encourage fine motor development, sensory exploration and curiosity in this video. 

Video created - May 2020

OT Corner #2 - Gross motor and fine motor fun

In this video, routines are discussed, a strengthening activity is demonstrated and messy play is explored!

Video created - April 2020

Intro to OT Corner -  All about an OT in  school 

In this first edition of OT Corner, the role of Occupational Therapy in the early grades was discussed and fun sensory tray ideas with snow were explored. 

Video created -  April 2020