How You Say It Matters

Sometimes children have difficulty following directions because they are receiving too much verbal information to process at one time. Here are some strategies that we can use to help children understand what we are saying to them.


  • Stress important or key words by saying them louder or longer than the rest of the words in your sentence.

  • You can also stress important words by repeating them.

Say Less

  • Also known as "simplifying your language".

  • Use less words to communicate your directions.

  • Give one direction at a time.

Go Slow

  • Use a slower rate of speech to help your child hear all the words of your message.

  • After you have given your message, provide your child time process what you have said to them by counting to 10 before repeating.


  • If your child is still not understanding your message, repeat it while showing them what you mean.

The Four S's strategy is from the Hanen Centre