Gross Motor

What is Gross Motor?

Gross motor refers to using using the large muscles of the body, legs and arms for movement. Children typically develop their gross motor skills in a step by step progression. 

For more information on Gross Motor Milestones, Click Here. 


Choosing Shoes

Choosing supportive footwear is very important when considering mobility. Picking the right shoes can help provide the stability and alignment that a child may need for the development of their balance and coordination. Refer to the handout by Alberta Health Services for more information on why the right shoe is so important and how to choose the best footwear for your child.


Strong muscles are needed to move safely and efficiently.  This includes core strength, which is key for coordinated movements. Core strength refers to control of the hips, stomach, back, and shoulders. Development of core strength is essential for movement because it provides a stable base which allows for coordinated movement of the arms and legs.

Fun Ways To Work On Strength


Core Strength


Animal Walks


Leg Strength


Coordination refers to getting your arms and legs to work together in an efficient way. Coordination skills are important in our daily lives. We need these skills for playing games, doing work, playing sports, getting dressed, etc. Many tasks that require coordinated movements also require good motor planning to time the movements accurately.

How To Improve Coordination


The CanChild Website is an excellent resource for teachers and parents of children with coordination difficulties. Specifically, the website refers to strategies to support students with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). However, even if there is not a diagnosis of DCD, the website provides valuable information and resources to support task breakdown, task modification, and task matching. 

To learn more about the M.A.T.C.H. strategy, visit the website by clicking the link above or by clicking here.