January 11th - January 15th

Marble Tracks

Self-Propelled Vehicles

Language Arts


This week we completed our Weekend Update, Talk About it Tuesday - Grizzly Bear vs Polar Bear, WeSearch Wednesday - Magnets, Text Talk Thursday - Weird but True and Free Write Friday.

Please check out our class blog to see your child's writing.

Word Work

This week the students worked through various activities on the long u sound, spelled u, ue and u_e. We are using a digital program where the students are given assignments in Google Classroom.


XtraMath Daily Practice

XtraMath is our daily math fact practice. The students should be on the subtraction level at this point.

If your child is still on addition, please have them practice these facts nightly.


Mathletics is a comprehensive online learning tool with lessons and activities specifically aligned to the Alberta math curriculum. Your child has been assigned activities that align to the lessons taught in class. Please have your child spend some time at home to complete these activities.

Jump Math

We continued working on our Time unit in math. The students were assessed on their week of online learning and then we covered the following concepts:

  • longer time intervals

  • topics in time

  • calendars


Extra practice with telling time would be very beneficial. If you would like to challenge your child to a Kahoot game, please click here to play.

Make sure you choose PLAY AS GUEST. Good luck!


Simple Machines

We have been learning all about different types of self-propelled vehicles this week. Your child designed their own vehicle at school and built it at home with your support. We shared the pictures and videos in class.

Thank you for sending them!

Fantastic Science Max Videos


Our focus this week in PE was on Push Ups!

The video to the left shows the proper form to doing a push up.

Name Art

The students worked on a "Name Art" project and were asked to think about what makes them unique. Then they worked on decorating each letter of their name with a design or illustration to represent something special about them.