December 7th - December 11th

Good-bye Miss Matvichuk

Miss Matvichuk completed her 9 week practicum this week. We will really miss her in our classroom!

The students worked hard completing pages for her good-bye book, sharing their favourite memories over the weeks. We wish her all the best in her teaching career!

4B's Christmas Jokes


Our Favourite Holiday Jokes

Our Favourite Holiday Jokes 4B

Special North Pole Delivery

Letters From Santa

We had a super exciting delivery from the North Pole this week! The students were SO excited to hear back from Santa Claus.

Breathe Like a Bear Craft

Christmas Plate

This week our students received a surprise from Miss Angela at MHCB. They were each given their own glass plate to paint and keep! Miss Angela related this Christmas craft to the brain and everything the students have learned during the Breathe Like a Bear Program. She discussed how art can be used to help calm our guard dog down. The students took their time and did an excellent job painting in the lines.

Language Arts


This week we completed our Weekend Update, Talk About it Tuesday - Who Should Guide Santa's Sleigh, WeSearch Wednesday - Gingerbread Men, 3-2-1 Week in Review, and Free Write Friday.

Please check out our class blog to see your child's writing.

Word Work

This week the students worked through various activities on the long e sound, spelled ee and ea. We are using a digital program where the students are given assignments in Google Classroom.


XtraMath Daily Practice

XtraMath is our daily math fact practice. The students should be on the subtraction level at this point. If you child is still on addition, please have them practice these facts nightly.


Mathletics is a comprehensive online learning tool with lessons and activities specifically aligned to the Alberta math curriculum. Your child has been assigned activities that align to the lessons taught in class. Please have your child spend some time at home to complete these activities.

Jump Math

We continued working on our Multiplication unit in math. The students work on the following activities to practice their multiplication facts:

  • Multiplication Word Problems

  • x8 and x9 flash cards


We completed multiplication Kahoot games to review the 0-10 times tables. If you would like to challenge your child to a Kahoot game, please click here to play the 0-10 times table game and then click PLAY AS GUEST. Good luck!

You can also use this link to play a fun Christmas edition!


Natural Regions

We completed our Social Studies unit on the regions of Alberta this week. The outcomes we addressed are:

  • Alberta's Badlands, palaeontology, and archaeology.

  • Students virtually explored the Royal Tyrrell Museum and gained an appreciation for it's role in Alberta

  • Indigenous communities in Alberta



Our focus this week in PE was CRUNCHES! We also continued the annual "RBES 12 Days of Fitmas". We worked through the following schedule:

Mindful Movement Monday (Joybob the Polar Bear Mindful Movement), Tabata Tuesday (crunch walk and crunch tabata), Walking Wednesday (nature walk outside), Throwback Thursday (favourite physical distanced game) and Fitness Fun Friday (DrumFIT).