April 6th - 9th

Language Arts


This week we completed:

Talk About it Tuesday - Spring Break Update

WeSearch Wednesday - Devon, AB

Text Talk Thursday - Canadian Taiga

Find it Friday - Online Scavenger Hunt

Please check out our class blog to see your child's writing.

Shel Silverstein

Each year, the month of April is set aside as National Poetry Month, a time to celebrate poets and their craft. The grade 4 classes will be studying Shel Siverstein and his work. We began by reading some poems from Don't Bump the Glump and then we completed an activity illustrating The Gletcher. The students did a great job capturing what they think The Gletcher would look like. We also completed a Concrete Poem about Giraffe from A Giraffe and a Half. After reading Rainglasses, the students were given the task to turn an ordinary object into something extrodinary. They then wrote a two-line poem describing their creation. The final poetry project of the week was on Spoonerisms. These poems are a deliberate play on words, where corresponding letters are switched between 2 words in a phrase, giving a funny outcome. An example of this would be Read a Book - Bead a Rook.


XtraMath Daily Practice

XtraMath is our daily math fact practice. The students should be on the multiplication level at this point.

If your child is still on addition or subtraction, please have them practice these facts nightly.


Mathletics is a comprehensive online learning tool with lessons and activities specifically aligned to the Alberta math curriculum. Your child has been assigned activities that align to the lessons taught in class. Please have your child spend some time at home to complete these activities.

Jump Math

This week we continued working on our Decimals unit in math. The following outcomes were covered:

  • pizza fractions

  • tenths and hundredths review

  • changing notation: fractions and decimals

  • ordering fractions and decimals

Social Studies

We began our new unit in Social - Alberta: Celebrations & Challenges.

We completed "what we know" in a KWL chart. During a class discussion, the students had the opportunity to share their knowledge about Alberta before exploring the unit. We also read about how Alberta became a province. We learned about the economy, specifically discussing the agriculture and oil industry.


This week we enjoyed the beautiful weather and spent some of our P.E. time playing outdoor games. We focused on fair play and participating co-operatively, while maintaining a safe physical distance. Some of our favourite games include Spy Tag, Zap, Rhythm Master, and Last Man Standing.

We also formed groups and created socially distanced Tabata Workout routines that the students taught to each other.



Our art project this week ties in well with our new Social Unit - Alberta: Celebrations & Challenges. The students spent some time brainstorming what items would represent Alberta. Then they used this list to choose 5-7 of their favourite to illustrate on their Alberta template. They were able to use google and Art Hub to help guide their drawings. The completed projects have become our Social Studies bulletin board.

Click here to view the student's individual pictures.