Year 5

As part of this year's Griffin Science Symposium, children across the school produced poetry celebrating all things scientific. In Year 5, children chose a scientist to research, explored free verse poetry and created odes to their most inspiring scientist. 

Josie - SOAS

Marie Curie, Queen of Chemistry 

Nothing in life is to be feared

It is only to be understood

Now is the time

To understand more

So that we may fear less.

The older one gets

The more one feels

That the present moment 

Must be enjoyed

Comparable to a state of grace.

Was it done with radium 

Or with mesothorium?

Only a few people know.

Only true followers know.

Marie Curie followers.

Her brain was an ocean.

Flowing with ideas.

Dora - Imperial 


There was a girl in ancient Greece 

With her head in the clouds 

And feet on the ground

She looked up at the starry sky

With her head in the clouds

And feet on the ground

And wished upon a star that night

With her head in the clouds 

And feet on the ground

And that girl from ancient Greece

With her head in the clouds and

Feet on the ground

Was accused of being a witch!

Hamza - Birkbeck


Linnaeus in Rashult, Sweeden

By his desk

Raindrops echo

Searching for discovery

Binomial system

23rd of May to the 10th of January

At the cathedral.