Year 4

Year 4 have been exploring Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean's The Wolves in the Wall. 

Ottilie - Whitechapel

Alex (17) and Mimu (9) were walking home in the deafening dark… 


Alex spotted an abandoned alleyway. It had clawed brick walls and an intoxicating, putrid stench wafting from a blood red door. The smell hit like an ocean wave. They both heard a drip, drip, drip that was indeed most peculiar. Then, as quick as a flash, Mimu heard a…


BANG! Suddenly, Mimu spotted a bloodstained door, gaping open like a wide mouth. A towering, decrepit silhouette strutted out of the door. Suspiciously, Mimu's eyes widened in horror, like a volcano that was about to erupt. “Alex, I wanna go home” whispered Mimu. “No!” bellowed Alex. “But you’re 17, and I’m just 9.” Mimu replied. “Go away! Ugh. I wish you would just disappear.” Alex shouted. Alex turned her head slowly, and Mimu was gone. Just like that, she had disappeared. 


“Mimu, where are you?” shouted Alex sorrowfully. “Mimu, I’m sorry,” he whimpered. “Well, you wanted her to go!” replied an alienated voice and Alex started to cry. As her drooping eyes closed, she felt sorry. When she opened them again, she heard the beep, beep, beep of her alarm clock. She was in her bed! “Thank god, it was a dream!” exclaimed Alex but then she saw it. Mimu‘s wooden, rickety bed was gone.

Monica - Serpentine 

The moon clawed its way out and the fog slivered out of the sky. The Willoughby’s mansion stood pointing at someone to enter it and the tree stood proud like an Olympic champion.


Willow was standing studying for her huge exam when she looked out the window and saw this big house that she had never seen before. As she took a closer look, her mum called her for dinner. “Dinner is here. It’s pizza, with extra pepperoni. Just how you like it.” called her mother in excitement. When Willow was eating the cheesy pizza, she had a strange feeling about that house.


Then there was a knock on the window. Christy, the most popular girl in school. “Hey. Do you want to go to the party?” asked Christy. “Fine” sighed Willow. When Willow and Christy got outside, they saw the same house again. 


Hey do you want to go to the party tonight? Ask Christy fine side Willow when Willow and Christy got outside Willow saw that same house again, “Hey! It’s the house I saw!”. There was a sign on the door that read ‘Willoughby’s’. 


“I think I read about the owners, they drowned overseas.” said Willow. “No!” replied Christy. When they walked in, it was empty and dusty. “Should we go to the basement?” asked Willow. “I’m not going in there!” replied Christy but they went anyway. It was dark and there was a doll with a tag on it that said Shelby. When Willow picked it up, a voice said "Play with me". Willow and Christy ran out of there! They would never forget that doll and the Willoughby’s house. 

Esme - Saatchi 

It was an average morning, where the clouds were grey and the leaves were brown. For it was autumn in that little town, and the Sun was to the west. Over in FIX carnival everyone was really joyful, including the parents, which is surprising. Until one little boy arrived, his name was Cromy. He had blondish, brown hair and a yoghurt stain on the centre of his shirt. After all, Cromy was just a normal boy so how could it be his fault? Let’s find out.


Cromy was going to the carnival for a fun day out with his mum and dad, but when he got there, the sky turned black and everything stopped, including time for a second, and everybody disappeared, including his mum and dad. 


Suddenly, a swing moved behind Cromy, and it made him jump with fright. Without warning, a dark, tall figure emerged from the darkness and slowly started walking towards him. A walk which turned into a jog and then a run, but Cromy didn’t move. He was stuck to the ground with fright, and then it… it… hugged him. “Cromy, is that you?” the dark, spooky, eerie figure asked him in a somehow familiar voice. Confused, Cromy asked “Who are you? Get away from me! I don’t know you… do I?”. “Yes, you do. I’m your sister, Theo”.  Silence. “How do I know it’s you? Prove it”.  Theo looked startled. ‘Okay, your first word was afraid” they said laughing. “It is you!” said Cromy cheerfully, “But how did you get here?”. “Well, I...” but before she could finish the ferris wheel started moving, BACKWARDS, but nobody reappeared and it was still pitch black. 


Suddenly, bits of the Ferris wheel started to jump off and move towards them. As the carnival came alive,  Cromy and Theo stood statue still in fright. “Let’s get out of here!” choked Cromy as it was hard to breathe when bits of moving carnival are coming towards you from every direction. Theo was as excited as a baby in the world for the first time but Cromy on the other hand was curling up on the floor in a ball like a Pangolin. “Get up, we need to get out of here!” Theo said in a worried voice because she didn’t want Cromy to get hurt. They ran as fast as they could, and jumped over all the bits of moving carnival and hid behind a stall. Surely it couldn’t get any worse? It did. 


The malicious black drops. One of them even went down the side of Cromy’s face and he screamed in agony because it burnt a scratch on the side of his face. Suddenly, an enormous drop started falling right above the centre of Theo’s face. Cromy wasn’t having that though. He quickly pulled his sister away, just in time.


Theo’s heart was racing like a ball and her face was turning red to purple to red again. Suddenly, Cromy started choking. “Cromy, are you okay? Theo spluttered worriedly, even though she knew he wasn’t, she decided to find somewhere safe. 


Their wish must have come true as just then the fortune tellers greeted them. Theo ran to them, carrying Cromy in her arms. All of a sudden, Theo heard a noise, it sounded like the sound of her and Cromy’s mum calling them. “Hey Cromy” Theo called but before she could finish a sack went over both her and Cromy’s head. The next thing they knew, they were on a table. Seconds later, they heard footsteps. They were similar to their parents’. Then their Mum and Dad walked into the room and stood on the table. They weren’t normal parents though. They were VAMPIRES! Their parents were just about to eat them when…