Year 2

Year 2 have been studying Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman. 

For their written outcome, the children wrote letters from the titular character, Grace, pleading with their teacher to cast her as Peter Pan. 

Juno - Sadlers Wells

Dear Miss, 


I am writing to you because l am desperate to be Peter Pan. If you do not choose me, I will not forgive you. If you choose me, I will not get stage fright and I will be the best person that you have ever seen! Natalie said that I can’t be Peter Pan because l am black. 

I am so furious and miserable. Why does Natalie say my skin colour matters? (It doesn’t matter!).  My skin colour doesn’t change my acting abilities. She is being so mean to me about my skin colour! Are you going to let her be mean to me?

Did you know I have the book at home? So, I know all the words. Did you know my favourite thing to do is act out stories? Especially pantomimes! 


From Grace

Giulia - Vaudeville

Dear Miss,


I am writing to you because I think I'm the best actress in the whole class to play Peter Pan.


Firstly, I have rehearsed the play daily at home because I want to be brave and confident on stage and I have the book at home. I have watched Peter Pan a million times and I’m the best actress in she whole class. 

Does it affect my acting? No! Am I speaking in a different language? No! In fact, I am the most well-spoken child in the school. Can I read? Yes! In fact, I am living proof. Why is Natalie so obsessed with my skin tone? It doesn’t matter if I am a girl or if my skin tone is black.


From Grace


Rita - Adelphi

Dear Miss, 

I am writing to you let you know that you should choose me because I never forget my lines. Firstly, I should be Peter Pan because I acted out the story of Peter Pan. Secondly, I have acted on a huge stage before. Why can’t Peter Pan be black? Also, I love acting so if you choose me, you will make me so happy. I am sure that I will literally jump for joy if you choose me!

I feel that I should be Peter Pan because I am the perfect actress to do the job. I am positive that I will be brave on stage. If you choose me, you will never regret your choice. As you can see, I would be a wonderful Peter Pan.

from Grace x