Year 3

Year 3 have been exploring Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. 

The children wrote diary entries detailing the events of the story for their written outcomes. 

Zainab - National

Dear Diary,


I have had the most peculiar day.


It started when I woke up in a massive, musty and moist cave. I wandered out very confused and found a mysterious young lady looking at me. She wasn’t like any girl I’d seen before. Her hair was yellow like a dandelion and red like tomato. I suppose that is all normal, but she was speaking an unknown symphony. She was grunting at me.


Also, her clothes were strange. They weren’t made of cotton or anything I recognised. They looked as if they were from the Stone Age. I felt anxious and afraid.  The feeling got worse when she started pulling me somewhere. We ended up in a camp of some kind. Everyone there was an enigma. I know that isn’t a kind thing to say, but it is the truth. They were making tools out of rocks and sticks and they all spoke the same confusing language.


They welcomed me into their lovely camp and tried to show me how to look after myself in this weird, wonderful kingdom. Eventually the amazing girl, who was called Om I think, took me to a beautiful river and we watched the wriggling silver fish who were like underwater dancers. 


Suddenly, a man ran up yelling and pointing. Everyone picked up their sharp spears and ran after him as muted as fieldmice. Om and I followed them too. We crept after the adults and realised they were hunting a reindeer. All together we charged at the poor reindeer. Om and I shouted as we ran. It was remarkably rip-roaring even if I felt a bit apologetic for the unfortunate reindeer.


The tribe didn’t seem sorry. In the afternoon, the friendly, and fun-loving fellowship ate the dead reindeer as quickly as predators consuming their prey. They also had a fun party with lots of dancing as they ate the scrumptious, delicious and yummy reindeer steak.


I think I might have gone back in time because it was all wrong and weird. I hoped I would find a way home soon because this universe is unknown. For now, I have my newest pal Om and the amazing, cool tribe who are looking after me. Goodnight!

Eizo - Hayward

Dear Diary, 


I have had a strange and confusing day.


It all started when I was having a stumble in the woods and suddenly I tripped over. After that I felt myself falling down and down. I woke up in a dark, dank and desolate cave. I walked out and saw daylight ahead. I stumbled towards it. Then I found a girl.


She was wearing clothes as red as roses and her hair was as yellow as daffodils. She was humming a strange tune. The clothes she wore were like skins of creatures. Then she started pulling at me. We ended up at a camp. Everyone was using the same strange language, then I must’ve fallen asleep.


I woke up and walked out of the tent and found I was the first to wake up, so I decided to have a look at some things. Om awoke soon after me, so she took me on a tour around the camp. Once every one else woke up, we went to the river.


The little ones picked berries whilst we watched the people fishing. The fish were like blue lightning in the water. Suddenly, a person came shouting and pointing towards the hill. As we got to the top, I saw a reindeer.  Without warning, the people started charging like bulls and arrows were flying everywhere like birds in the sky. One hit the reindeer and it fell down. We had a great night, we cooked the reindeer and had an amazing party. I even joined in on air guitar! 


The next day Om took me to a cave. She lit a torch as we went in, and I thought I saw thousands of pictures of animals. It took me a moment to notice that they were real.  In the flickering light of the torch, it looked like they were running all around us. Om went closer to the wall and began drawing. Suddenly, I saw a big, big shadow against the wall. When I looked up, I saw a bear. It was so big that its eyes were as big as my head. I told Om to run then the floor gave way.


I felt myself once again falling down. When I woke up, I found I was back home. Now I have decided to become an archaeologist when I grow up and I will not stop learning about Om and his family. Good night!

Esme - Tate

Dear Diary,

Today has been the most strange, odd and crazed day of my life. I don’t even want to say it.


At the start of my day, I was walking through a calm, peaceful and lonely forest, but then I suddenly fell into a pitch black and mysterious cave. The cave was as dark as the night sky. Then I woke up from a deep and long sleep. I found a strange, weird girl looking at me. With hair as yellow as the sun and a top red like tomatoes!

I was still lying in the big, black and blurry cave. As I stood, she grabbed me. Where was she taking me?


Next, I found myself with some people I had never seen before but they were kind to me and gave me some stew. It was getting dark outside and before I knew it, I must have fallen asleep. The day after, everyone had a job to do. They were making tools out of stone and wood and starting fires. Next, Om and I went down to the river. The fish were silver, wriggling, lightning bolts next to three fisherman fishing. 


Suddenly, a boy was shouting! I had no idea what he was saying. Then everyone was running with spears and shouting. Om and I didn’t have spears but we shouted. I quickly realised we were hunting a reindeer! We jumped and ran after the reindeer and finally hit it. Before the spear hit the reindeer, we were all running as fast as a cheetah!


When we got back, we had a huge party. We ate the reindeer which was delicious, and we also danced and partied. I still feel a bit bad for the reindeer but mainly not, I don’t know why we waited almost half an hour to eat the reindeer!


The next day, the sun was as bright as a torch. Everyone was still sleeping but Om woke up soon after I did. Now Om was my brand-new, back in time best friend.Once everyone had woken up like normal, everyone, including me, had a job to do. I have been here for about four months now, and I don’t know when I will come back. 

Om came up to me and asked, ‘Would you like to come with me to see some beautiful, amazing and excellent paintings?”. I said “Ok!” and we went in. We were looking at some paintings for a while and we even knew some. I was a bit scared because the cave was a pitch black sky, but Om’s torch lit up the cave a little bit.


Then suddenly a bear appeared out of nowhere! Its fur was as brown as chocolate and its eyes were like the midnight sky. Om was a brave lion. Then suddenly the ground broke beneath me! I was falling down for a very long time. When I finally made it to the bottom, I walked out and the air was warmer than before. I thought I was back in the present! I quickly ran back to my house and told my family the story, but they didn’t believe me.