Year 6

After exploring the graphic novel, The Rabbits by Shaun Tan. Year 6 produced a range of written outcomes. These included letters of persuasuive writing and character lists.

Mahir - UCL

Dear respected Chief, 


It is apparent that you are a weak commander. My name is Sir James Cook and I work directly with the King of England. I have a proposal and it is extremely evident that you should not refuse.


Everybody around the world knows that the mighty British Empire is the most progressive and unstoppable civilisation. We are pioneers in knowledge, discoveries and science. Clearly, you can see that our nation is the most inspirational society in the world. Our nation covers the world and shows some undeveloped countries how to prepare for the future; without us they would stay in despair. We bring them to glory. You and your country could become powerful under the great British rule. What are you waiting for? 


In addition to enhancing your lifestyle, we can teach you how to build modern and sturdy houses for your citizens. This will lead your people to happiness because finally, they will have a safe home of their own. Furthermore, our nation can help your people to grow new and exciting food, so you can become healthy, as well as powerful.


Your hungry citizens (who are dying of starvation and thirst) face extinction. Our empire has equipment that you can’t get a hold of. Ploughs for your fields, farming animals that produce dairy and ships that transport cargo. The mighty British civilisation has an unstoppable army that will win every fight. We can upgrade your boring life into a life as bright as stars and the moon at midnight. Don’t you want that? 


Yours sincerely, 


Sir James Cook.

Michael - Goldsmiths

Character list.

Captain  Cook:

He is as towering as the Tower of London, and his skill is like no other. His nose is as crooked as his soul.

Surprisingly, his black beady eyes are as soulless as the void in space. His lips are as glossy as a frozen lake, and his hair is as shiny as the richest desires. His stare scares the skin off a potato. The Captain (who lacks in generosity and happiness) is eager to get what he wants at any cost.

Tribal chief;

A kind chief whose beard is as long as the Great Wall of China. He is so wise that the wisest owls ask him for knowledge. His eyes (his whole face in general) are calmer than the gentle morning breeze. His generosity is like no other. His hair is as ancient as the universe. His headband is as dazzling as a golden bar. When he smiles, he makes everyone smile back. One thing you notice about him is that his back is as crooked as a bent metal rod. He is as ancient as the great dazzling Pyramid of Giza, and his voice is as soothing as an angel voice. He is as friendly as an ancient wise sloth and as loyal as a king who would never betray his tribe.

Sneaky possum:

He is as stealthy as Sherlock Holmes and as sharp-minded as a shark attacking its prey. His claws are as pointy as the Shard. His smirk scares everyone because it reminds everyone of the devil’s sneer (which terrifies the devil himself); he is as slick as poisonous oil. He is as quiet as a piece of paper, and his stare is so scary it scares the soul out of people. His senses are better than superman. Even though he looks like a nimble possum, on the inside he is an unloyal backstabber. His smile reminds people of the Grim Reaper. Of all the possums, he is the wittiest whose size reflects his high pitched voice.

Diya - Kings

Dear wise chief of Australia, 


My name is Sir James Cook. I am a decorated and award-winning captain, representing the powerful and prosperous British Empire. Yesterday, my expensive ship landed on your crystal blue shore. I came here with an astonishing opportunity from the glorious England that I am sure you cannot object to.


We can assure you that the magnificent, mighty brilliant British Empire is the smartest and most advanced country in the world. We are also a great inspiration to everyone; our citizens have a high level of knowledge and science. At this point, there is no doubt that our country is known as the most advanced since the Roman era. Since our country is the most powerful, we’ve decided to show you how to live in a refreshing and modern world. Your country and your servants can become great! Let me tell you now.


First of all, we can improve your life by teaching you how to build a powerful and solid foundation. If you do this, people from your country will be extremely grateful and satisfied as you will be protected from the danger that nature might cause. We can also build you some dazzling architecture that makes it feel like home. In addition, we can introduce you to new, fresh food coming straight from the exotic animals. As a result of this, you will improve your diet from animals which you can farm. Your health will be amazing. Their foods (which are delectable to eat) can provide you lots of nutrition. 


Last but not at least, we are equipped with a powerful, well-developed arsenal that you do not have. I am sure you cannot decline! I guarantee that it is safe for you and your community's life. Clearly you can see that with all of this, your children will be very healthy and smart. They will be assured to live strong and prosperous lives. 


Our glorious way of life is extraordinary; welcome us, the amazing British empire and we will help your community to make their lives marvellous forever. Aren’t you tired of thinking about abandoned children that are left to die? Children, the elderly and pregnant women living without a roof above their head! Are you not even bothered to think about all of the people in your community? Of course, you are! You cannot let your worried people down. Everyone would have a good life; not the pitiful life you lead. I’m not even sure you can call it a life. Don’t you want your children to be strong warriors? Your desperate family, starving citizens and poor people need a better life. All in all, we can give you that life.


Yours sincerely,


Sir James Cook