Year 4

Inspired by Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Year 4 conducted research projects that culminated in their very own non-chronological reports. 

Jackson - Saatchi

Amazing Chocolate.

Introduction Chocolate is one of the most popular snacks eaten by people all over the world. Chocolate was first invented by Joseph Fry in 1847. Who does not like chocolate? Maybe you?

Did you know? Did you know that Montezuma II, the famed Aztec emperor, drank up to 50 cups of chocolate per day. 

Fair trade Green & Black’s chocolate bar was the first fair trade chocolate in the UK. They are a global organisation that help farmers and farms.

History of chocolate Beginning in Mesoamerica, dating back to 4500 BC. Aztecs believed chocolate was a gift from Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom. 

Production Over 2 million tons produced in West Africa and only eight cents was fair trade.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory All of Willy Wonka‘s inventions seem to be harmful to children. All of Willy Wonka‘s chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. Most of Willy Wonka chocolate is also made from a waterfall! 

Matilda - Whitechapel

The History of Chocolate. 

Introduction Have you ever wondered what chocolate was like 4000 years ago? Well you’re in luck because this report tells you all about the story of this mouthwatering delicacy! 

Who makes it? Who makes chocolate? Well in Mesoamerica around 4000 years ago, the Mayans and the Aztecs were making it, but it was nothing like what we know today! It was a bitter drink and was drunk at all the royal parties. It was crushed and ground. It was all sourced from the local cacao tree. Very rarely was it drunk by peasants and only the rich could afford it.

Main bits. The Aztecs and Mayans were making it bitter but I know what you’re thinking! How is chocolate now sweet? Well, the Europeans came over to find food. Now a Spanish explorer called Hernan Cortes took it back to Europe and added milk to produce milk chocolate. It was then frozen it to make it hard. At first it was a medicine before everyone started to eat it!

Famous Fairtrade. Fairtrade is an organisation trying to help farms and farmers earn more money. Think the farmers make the money? Well they don’t! Farmers were said to make the equivalent of £1.99 per day! Fairtrade want to put a stop to this. How could we help chocolate farmers? 

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Everyone knows the juiciest book is…Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Charlie and his chocolate waterfall. Grandpa Joe and the chocolate gum. Willy Wonka’s edible trees and rivers. Not to mention, the Oompa Lompas and their sweets! Who could resist? 

Did you know? The Aztecs and the Mayans added hot peppers to their bitter drink? 

Ola - Serpentine

Chippy Chip Chocolate! 

Hello, dear reader! 

Let me start by saying, this report is all about chocolate. So now, let’s carry on! Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree. Its 4000 year history began in ancient Mesoamerica (present day Mexico). 

Expensive taste Back in 1800 there was only plain flavours available. Now we have milk, white and dark chocolate!

How much chocolate is sold? Annual chocolate consumption in 2022 was roughly a staggering 7,500,000 tons.

Did you know? The word chocolate comes from the Aztec word ‘xocoatl’. 

When did the first chocolate house open? The first chocolate house opened in London 1677, followed rapidly by others.

Fun fact! The world’s largest chocolate bar weighs 12,770lb.