Year 6

Year 6 have been exploring a graphic novel, The Rabbits by Shaun Tan. 

The children were tasked to write diary entries detailing the events of the story. 

Waleed - Kings

Dear Diary,


Today, I awoke feeling rejuvenated. The sun’s caress gentle upon my cheeks, as if nature herself at bestowed a tender touch upon me. I cast my eye skyward, greeted by a scene of unrivalled, serenity. The sky, a canvas of tranquil hues, played host to the most resplendent sight. The blazing orange sun, casting it’s gold across the heavens. Below a row of majestic gum trees stood tall. Their silhouette, etched against the canvas of the sky, while melodious birds orchestrated a symphony of nature.


As my gaze descended, I beheld the vast expanse of the ocean. Its waters, an exquisite shade of blue, singing in harmonious rhythm with the mighty waves that crashed against the enormous, sheer cliffs, standing proud and formidable. The sands beneath my feet were not grains but velvety silk, a testament to natures beauty. My cousin possums, wild and overgrown, revelled in nature’s bounty, demolishing juicy, tropical fruits with gusto, their joyful feasting echoing through the verdant surroundings.Alas, little did we know that this idyllic moment couldn’t last. It was all just a fleeting glimpse of paradise, destined to be overshadowed by what lay ahead. 


In the blink of an eye, the tranquil scene transformed into a sinister view of volcanic peaks and a moon-like landscape. The tropical island, once lush and vibrant now appeared eerie and lifeless, with pillars of rock at the entrance to the bay and a jigsaw of human and animal skeletons scattered around - a chilling relic of an ancient world.


But in the blink of an eye, the sky, once vivid turned murky and dim. Suddenly, ominous clouds shrouded the sun. It’s blazing glow, snuffed out by a vast wave of wind, causing leaves to collapse to the forest floor. The trees, once sturdy guardians, now trembled in the face of nature’s fury. Tropical fruits, formerly hanging luxuriously, were violently thrown to the sandy ground, leaving marks of nature’s wrath upon their skins.  


The atmosphere, once vibrant with life, became saturated with a sense of impeding dread. The birds, with their melodious songs silenced, sought refuge in the depths of the forest. Even the possums, agile and playful, ran away in fear. Their tiny footsteps sounded the urgency of the situation. It was as if the very essence of the island had succumbed to a profound melancholy. 


Then, on the horizon, there was something ominous, a shape emerging from the mist. It hinted at a threat, yet unknown, casting a shadow over our idyllic island. I cautiously took a few steps towards the gloomy black sea. It loomed before me, colossal and foreboding, a vast expanse of uncertainty that sent shivers down my spine. Questions raised through my mind. Could this mysterious vessel be the source of the trouble? Casting its murky show upon our tranquil shores. What living creatures occupied the enigmatic structure? Were they benevolent or sinister intruders here to bring harm? 


As I pondered, a strange murmur reached my ears, an unfamiliar language that hung in the air like an eerie melody. Their voices, foreign and enigmatic, added to the aura of mystery. Silently, they manoeuvred the boat between the jagged, imposing cliffs. A feat that spoke of the school and determination.


The boat, once a mere silhouette against the dim horizon, now gleamed like gold in a treasure chest. Its hull reflecting the fading sunlight with a brilliance that held us captivated. Caught between fear and fascination, we stood routed to the spot. Our bodies as rigid as ice with our breaths caught in our throats. 


In that moment, they arrived on to our shore. Their presence, casting an aura of intrigue and trepidation over our small island, leaving us uncertain about the future that awaited us.


Suddenly, our eyes widened as the monumental boat crashed through the waves. Its impact creating a sphere of frothy water. Within this sphere, danced fluffy rabbits, their crimson, beady eyes, gleaming with an unknown purpose. Questions buzzed in my mind like bees in a garden. Were these peculiar creatures harmless? What strange language spilled from their lips? And what were those orange, pointy vegetables? 

Sienna - Goldsmiths

Dear Diary, 


On this dazzling morning, it seemed like quite a merry and warm day. There were people lying on the long arc of powdery, glittering and golden sand. Children trickled down the waterfall like it was a playground. The luscious sweet coconuts were swaying on the naturally perfect palm trees. I glanced out my window and the sun clenched my body with warmth, as it shone in the distance. I glanced proudly down below to the other possums. Life was great, but the good times never last…


Out of nowhere, the baby blue skies disappeared. The children screamed in horror! “This has never happened before...” I thought. The great big palm trees had turned into thick, gnarled tree trunks and the sky looked a horrifying black. It was a blanket of darkness. The brilliantly red sun disappeared in a millisecond. As I looked at the horrible sight, I wondered what I could see in the distance. 


As my eyes glanced over to the shore, I spotted a superb shape. It was golden, sparkly and as visible as the setting sun. I questioned what could easily venture over the water like that? Was it that ancient sea monster coming back to life? I knew that something sinister was approaching us. 


With a loud woosh, the vessel met out shores. It was golden brown with spikes around the sides and huge windows. It had carried creatures (many creatures), who then each individually tip toed onto our land. They spoke a different language and would do stuff we didn’t understand. My Nana told me “They don’t know our ways, don’t be afraid my love”. Little did I know they would change my life forever…

Faizaan - UCL

Dear Diary,


Today has been the strangest day of my life. Although it started as any other would, a few things began to go wrong. As the golden sun rose, I opened my eyes and felt the comfort of the warmth from the burnt-out stars. The glowing sun gave scattered rays of yellows and oranges. I had noticed the sky seemed foggier than usual, but I thought nothing of it…


I still couldn’t tell why the bright skies (which were once halcyon) had turned into a dark and gloomy sight. It seemed as though there were a whole new bunch of factories. With their arrival, the factories had slaughtered the birds with their constant chirping and melodious singing. Nothing seemed right and the only clues I had gathered were from some far away ships I had spotted, but how would they be a part of this?


Looking out to the sea, I noticed a ship approaching towards our land. The ship was grand, shiny and looked as ancient as an old temple and left me feeling nervous. Most suspiciously of all, the ship was filled to the brim with rabbits! 


As soon as the ship arrived, we met the dozens of the rabbits. They looked a little like us, however we couldn’t understand the dialect they spoke. Despite not understanding, we greeted them anyway. It felt like a crime not to. As we crowded around the strange visitors, some of us were intrigued whilst others were scared. Who were they? Why were they here? Why must they visit? Nobody knew.