VOL. 87 MARCH 1, 2024

Dear Community Members, 

Since our return from the semester break back in January, students and faculty have invested tremendous energy and effort in preparation for the various year-level, departmental, programme and divisional exhibitions and celebrations of learning. By my quick count, in February alone, approximately 25 such activities have been held on the GJS Campus. Every workshop, assembly, festival, day of significance, carnival, mini exhibition or exhibition is a valued component of demonstrating, recognizing and celebrating the GJS student learning journey. We are further blessed by the opportunity to come together as a community, united, sharing, engaging and celebrating their successes and accomplishments. We are appreciative and thankful for the support received from parents, faculty, mentors, programme coordinators, administration, and of course, for the tremendous efforts put forth by the students themselves in bringing all of our celebratory events to fruition.  

It has been a quick turnaround from January Kontak to this month's edition. Any major activities and celebrations not captured herewithin will find their way into our April edition of Kontak for certain.

Secondary Principal Transition Visit:

Over the week of March 18 - 22, 2024, we welcome our incoming Secondary School Principal, Ms. Nelsy Saravia, to our GJS campus. During her time with us, Nelsy will further her familiarisation with our curriculum and programmes while initiating relationship-building with community members as she prepares for her move to Indonesia in July and the launch of the 2024-2025 school year. When you see her on campus, please introduce yourself and give her a warm Global Jaya School welcome.

Mid-Semester Conferences and Term Break:

Thursday, March 7th, and Friday, March 8th, we host our Term 3 Mid Semester Conferences. We look forward to full engagement across the school over these two days. For new or long-existing families of GJS, we strongly encourage you to meet your child(ren)'s teachers to discuss their progress to date this year. All teachers, Principals and Leaders at GJS look forward to seeing you soon on campus during the Mid-Semester Conferences. With the conclusion of MSCs on the afternoon of March 8th, we will begin our Term 3 Break. Students and Faculty return to class with the start of Term 4 on Monday, March 18, 2024.  Happy Holidays for all.

Ramadan Hours:

With the start of Ramadan on March 12th, during our Term break holiday, we will initiate Ramadan hours starting Monday, March 18th and will carry through to Friday, April 5th. During this period, our school day will end at 3:30 pm rather than the customary 4:00 pm. Friday departure times remain at 3:30 pm, with NO changes to the instructional timetable between 7:30 am - 3:00 pm. In consultation with Pak Jon, ASAs will continue as usual, albeit in less vigorous sports. If you need more clarification, please speak with your divisional principals.

March / April Events

March 1: Nyepi Celebration (Only for Hindus during Friday Prayer time)

March 1: WS World Wildlife Day (GSC)

March 2: Primary Soccer @ BSJ

March 5: Year 7 Assembly

March 7 and 8: Mid- Semester Conferences

March 9 - 17: Term Break

March 11: Nyepi Holiday

March 12: 1st Day of Ramadan

March 18: Term 4 Starts

March 19: Morning Coffee with Pak Cory & Ibu Bunga

March 19: IB DP Arts Exhibition Opening

March 20 - 22: IB DP Arts Exhibition 

March 23: WS Pesantren Ramadhan

Coffee Morning with Pak Cory and Ibu Bunga

We extend a cordial invitation to all parents and community members to join our Coffee Mornings with Pak Cory and Ibu Bunga. With multiple holidays occurring during Term 4, we will communicate the remaining coffee morning dates so respective calendars can be marked. Please note the remaining Coffee Mornings will be held in the Dance Room at the dates and times indicated below:

Our March 19, 2024, topics of discussion and shared understanding-building will focus on:

1) Child Protection, Behaviour and Peer-on-Peer Abuse Policies

2) PA Updates and Information

3) Question & Answer session

We hope to see you there.

March 26: PA Gift Giving

March 28: GJS Year 12 Musical Recital 

March 29: Good Friday Holiday

April 1 - 5: Senior Week

April 5: Reception Assembly

April 5: Easter Celebration

April 6 - 16: Idul Fitri Break

April 17: Full Day for Students and Faculty

April 19: WS Kartini Day Celebration

April 22: Professional Learning 1/2 Day - AM ONLY Classes for Students

April 23: Morning Coffee with Pak Cory & Ibu Bunga

April 24: WS Idul Fitri Celebration

GJS Admissions and Open House April 26

Our Admissions team continues accepting and processing applications for the 2024-2025 academic years.

Our next Open Day event will be on Friday, April 26, 2024. This event provides an opportunity for us to share with new and potential families all that is special about our school, our community and why a Global Jaya School prepared and delivered International Baccalaureate continuum education is the best option for their children. 

If you have colleagues, friends and/or family interested in learning more about joining our community, please encourage them to contact Ibu Kania, our GJS Admissions officer, at admission@globaljaya.com or by phone at +62 21 745 7562 Ext.154 for further details.

Warm Regards,

Cory Carson

Head of School


April 24 - May 17: IB Diploma Exam Session

April 26: Open Day

April 29 - 30: Year 4 Camp

May 1: Labour Day

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