Student Leadership

Greetings to the Global Jaya Secondary Community from the Secondary Student Council,

After a highly competitive campaign week, which concluded with a remarkable debate, the Secondary Student Council is delighted to announce that Aurelie Vidal and Bae Seongyun from Year 10A have been elected as the new Vice Presidents of the Student Council! The Student Council is thrilled to embark on our upcoming journeys with Aurelie and Seongyun, and we look forward to seeing them demonstrate their passion and dedication to improving our school community.

Running for Vice President requires courage, passion, and a genuine desire to contribute to the betterment of our school community. Therefore, we would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Jasmine Kampono and Alta Soejono from Year 10D for also running for Vice Presidents. We value and applaud their unwavering dedication. We want to express our utmost appreciation to the candidates and the Global Jaya secondary community for participating in the voting process. 

We commenced the election and campaigning process by sending out a message seeking students with exquisite leadership qualities eager to improve the school. As the campaign week began, the dreaded first day of the semester became an exciting endeavor. We introduced the Secondary community to #1 Jasmine and Alta and #2 Aurelie and Seongyun. Their posters, Instagram posts, and videos have exceptionally exceeded our expectations. Throughout the week, both candidates ambitiously promoted their vision, mission, programs, and events to encourage students to vote for them!

As the candidates scoured to be on top, the Year 11 Student Council Executive Heads prepared for the closing debate. Said debate shed light on aspects of the candidates that would have been concealed if not for the debate. Witnessing how the candidates react under pressure, articulate and justify their ideas, and represent the student body through their plans solidified the audience’s decision on who to support and vote for. We organized four rounds: Answer & Rebut, Lightning Round, Questions from Candidates, and Questions from Leadership. All of which tested the candidates’ ability to react under pressure while portraying the desired qualities of our Student Council Vice Presidents and Presidents.

We were satisfied that the secondary community was given the opportunity to see and judge the candidates in their ability to act under pressure and advocate for the student body. However, we were disappointed with the candidates’ reaction once under pressure. All of the concerns brought to our attention were taken into consideration. After extensive discussions, we have agreed to move forward with the voting results, which were in Aurelie and Seongyun’s favor.

After an exciting and eye-opening debate, we opened the voting forms for five days to allow the entire secondary community to cast their votes and actively participate in the democratic process of selecting their Vice Presidents. The voting period aimed to ensure that every student’s voice was heard, and we were pleased to see a high level of engagement and enthusiasm from the Global Jaya Secondary community. Thank you for your continued support, and let us all look forward to a successful and collaborative term ahead!

By Olga Wiyar Haksami

Greetings to the Global Jaya Secondary Community from the Secondary Student Council

With the end of The 2024 Valentine’s Day, we were all given the opportunity to show our love and appreciation to all our peers and teachers alike. From the delivery service to the open mic, we have truly understood the importance of valuing every moment spent with our community. We would like to thank each and every person who has helped support us through this process. 

As Valentine’s Day is a well-known tradition within the Global Jaya community, there was the pressure to make it better each year. Organizing the Valentine’s Day event requires communication, self-management, and thoughtful thinking from each member. And so, we would like to show our gratitude to Aurelie Vidal, Alta Soejono, and Alejandra Donosepoetro for showing strong charisma and persistence throughout the process. Communication was essential to organizing the event, and these three have shown fantastic collaboration these past few weeks.

The upcoming weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day required much planning and discussion. Creating packages, cards, events, all of it took so much time to work on. Using the previous year’s Valentine’s day as a reference, we wanted to make it similar but decided to make it a culmination of some events from the previous years. 

A very well-known event on Valentine's Day would be the Delivery Service. Before it was even announced, we had so many students who were eager to see the card designs and were ecstatic to start ordering for their friends. With so much engagement from the community, we asked some members in the Student Council to help design some of the cards. This allowed for a wide variety of card designs that would fit for all kinds of audiences. On the day of Valentine’s the Student Council Executive Heads worked together to create the orders to be shipped out on the next day. Once all the orders were ready, we asked a representative from each year level to send out the packages during class, this allowed for so much excitement and engagement from the students and truly a memorable experience for us all.

Outside of the delivery service, we decided to bring back some events such as the Valentine’s Day dress-up.  After talking with many of our peers at school, we decided to make this year’s Valentine’s Day dress up about “dressing up as your type”. This would allow students to show more of their personality, showing what they are attracted to and finding common ground between each other. This theme allowed for so many creative outfits from the students, and many people participated in this theme. In case there were some students who would rather dress up as something else, we offered a second choice to the dress up day, which was to dress up as the titular Valentine’s Day colors such as pink, red, and white. The dress up day really allowed everyone to show off their style, and allowed everyone to feel united under the theme of love and appricipation for those around us.

A viral event from the 2023 Valentine’s day was the Open-Mic. This allowed for many students to show off their talents regarding singing or playing an instrument. Once we opened the registrations, there were not a lot of responses during the beginning. But as the day crept closer, more people were interested in joining, leading to all the slots for the Open-Mic to be filled up. On the day of the Open-Mic, we had so many creative performances from the students, from bands, to solo performances, each student was truly able to show their talents. With the support of the student body, each performance received so much love and support, truly representing the Valentine’s day spirit.

Unfortunately, due to February 14th being a public holiday, this made it difficult for everyone to celebrate on the official day of Valentine’s. A way for us to show our appreciation to our peers outside of school, we used the Student Council instagram (@gjscouncil) to set up a Song Dedication for the students. The Song Dedication allowed for students to dedicate a song to one of their peers, and the result was extremely positive. With so many students dedicating multiple songs for each of their friends, this allowed the Global Jaya community to still show the spirit of Valentine’s Day while still being away from eachother. On February 15th, we also included a Confession Box, this allowed for students to confess any feelings they had anonymously. The outcome of the Confession Box was also positive, as so many students were able to confess their appreciation for their peers without exposing themselves. The Song Dedication and the Confession truly allowed the Global Jaya community to embody the spirit of Valentine’s day.

After such an eventful day, everyone was able to connect with their peers to a deeper degree. Valentine’s day is not only a day dedicated to couples, but is also a day to show appreciation for those we truly hold dear to our hearts. We would like to thank everyone who allowed us to organize this year’s Valentine’s day event, we wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without the ongoing support from the students, teachers, parents, and staff. Can’t wait to see you all again next year!

By Jennifer Patricia Wi

Stuco Camp

On the 2nd and 3rd of February, Student Council held its annual camp event led by the Year 11s. The event brought together members of the Student Council, both new and old, to spend a night together at school and participate in many engaging activities all in the name of collaboration and furthering the bonds between each individual. Furthermore, the camp also served as an opportunity to officially induct new StuCo members, and our newly elected Vice Presidents, Seongyun and Aurelie of Year 10, into their position within the organization.

Throughout the event, members of the Student Council participated in a variety of activities, beginning with a fun introductory quiz played by all during the ceremony which asked several questions about the history of the student council and its current leadership to get to know the organization more. After the opening ceremony, participants then went back to their designated rooms before engaging in the main highlight, the outdoor activities designed to develop their teamwork which began in the field with capture the flag, where people of different year levels had to work together in a tiring yet exhilarating game. 

Then, the momentum brought continued as the activities transitioned to the pool, where participants engaged in water based activities. These included in a game where groups of participants had to work together to cover a pipe while filling it with water to extract an object from inside, testing their communication and leadership skills among each other to complete the task before the other groups did. It all then culminated in a huge water balloon fight, where everyone was chucking balloons at each other while others tried to avoid the chaos. Overall, through the adrenaline and commotion, every participant were able to learn a thing or two about what its like to work with people of different year level

As the afternoon transitioned to night and everyone cleaned up from the physical activities, the Year 11s prepared dinner for the rest of the members to enjoy, which resulted in great bonding time where Student Council members of different backgrounds got to know each other where they previously didn’t have the opportunity to. Then, the night concluded with a movie night at MPR 3, where every Student Council member unanimously voted to watch “Despicable Me”, as not only it is fitting to the Year 11s nickname of “Minions”, but also as an example of the familial relationship the members should share with each other. 

However, the night wouldn’t end there, with a big surprise planned by the Year 11 Executives for the rest of the StuCo members. At 2AM sharp, a surprise initiation was held, under the guise of investigating a “Secret Society” at the school. Students were awoken by loud banging and sirens and immediately told to group up in Plaza B to investigate riddles placed around the school, led by Year 11 representatives. The riddles brought the different group of students around the pitch black school, wary of any frights or scares brought by the environment or one of the scare actors placed around. The riddles then led each of the four different groups to separate objects, brought together when all groups met in the field to begin the initiation process. The newly elected Vice Presidents were coronated using a crown and a tiara, while the rest pledged an oath to the Student Council while taking a sip of  cranberry juice. Through the trials and tribulations of the midnight initiation, members learned the importance of teamwork, loyalty and trust within their peers in the Student Council. Finally, the students got some rest, and woke up to an eventful breakfast and a dismissal soon after.

Overall, the 2024 Student Council Camp was a success and a great step in building an important bond within members both new and old of the student council, alongside making memories to last a lifetime. However, for the Year 11s who organized the event, it is without its problems. Leading up to the event, problems were abundant regarding the organization, mainly its schedule and venue. The event unfortunately collided with many others, such as the Personal Project Exhibition and Valentines Day, which meant it went through countless rescheduling before a firm date was set, which led to many difficulties with planning what to do. However, the largest difficulty came from the Gym being occupied at the time of the event, as it was originally planned to be at the gym, which caused chaos only a few days before the event was set to happen, so an emergency switch was issued to change the venue to Building B. However, through the teamwork among the executive Heads, every plan regarding venue and rooming was able to be dealt with before the event happened, leading to a smooth beginning.

The problems were not only limited to the organizational side of things, but during the event as well, most commonly regarding scheduling and time management. Some sport activities had to be cut due to time constraints from the other ones taking longer than expected, meaning original plans had to be abandoned. Furthermore, the planning of the midnight initiation took up an unexpected amount of time, so for some Year 11 Executives, their previous 3 hours of sleep before preparation turned into none as they worked through the night to get the initiation activity fully done before 2AM. But even through the long nights and schedule cuts, the event was still able to be executed smoothly with necessary changes being made on time to allow for the smoothest possible experience for all of Student Council to bond and have a great time with their peers.

Overall, this years Student Council Camp was a success in providing opportunities for Student Council members of different backgrounds to get to know each other and form friendships and bonds to help them work together, alongside introducing the new Vice Presidents into their positions. It was a difficult task following up on the previous years Camp, with the high expectations set, but in the end through all the mishaps and changes, Student Council is glad all participants were able to have a great time. Thank you to all of the Student Council Members who participated in the event and took time to bond with each other, and most importantly thank you to the PICs, Bagas and Seva, the Year 11 Heads, Emir, Bianca, Rae, Ariel, Jenni, Olga and the rest of the Year 11 Student Council Executives for making the event possible in the first place. Do look forward to next year's camp!

By Bagas Warganegara