Year 2

Let The Plants Grow! 

Year 2 is learning about plants under the transdisciplinary theme “Sharing The Planet”.

As part of our exploration, we grow our own plants starting from small seeds and take care of them daily. Some students planted spinach, and some planted morning glory or ‘kangkung plant’. We learned how to plant the seed using the planting media in a pot and show our responsibility  to take care of them properly. After a couple weeks passed by, we all can see how our plants have grown healthily. Look at how our plants have grown now! 

Movie Time! The Lorax Movie at the School Theater 

As part of a front loading activity in the unit “Sharing The Planet”, Year 2 watched a movie called The Lorax together in the school theater. The Lorax movie shared messages of how to take care of our planet by keeping the trees growing, and taught the causation of what happens if humans do not take care of plants and how it impacts other living things. 

We all can be the Lorax, we speak for the trees in our own way! 

Start by growing a seed, and give our earth a better life.

Stop Motion and Diorama Interdependence

The summative project allowed students to show their understanding of how living things support and depend on each other. Students developed their communication skills, creativity and ICT skills by creating animations or dioramas of interdependence between living things. Students used Stop Motion Studio to create their animations of interdependence. Students also develop their collaboration skills as they work together with a partner to plan, create and present their understanding of the central idea.