Opening Term 

Closing Celebration

Closing Celebration (Convene | Friday, Aug 18)

Please Join Us to Celebrate & Say Farewell to Opening Term 2023!

Friday, August 18 | 5:30pm to 8:30pm
at Convene 

(1201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA)

All Full-time (FT25), Flex (FX26), and Flex MBA Online (FXO26) students and those currently taking SGI are invited to join the MBA Program Office team and Opening Term faculty for the Opening Term Closing Celebration

Event Details

Light refreshments will be available.

Dress Code is Professional or Business Casual

No official RSVP needed (but we hope to see everyone there!)

You can add to your personal events calendar by RSVPing on HoyaConnect (optional)

Please Note:

We are unable to accommodate guests for this event. 

The Rosslyn GUTS bus drop-off point is a short (~3 min) walk to Convene (free parking is not provided).