MBA Student Organizations

MBA Student Organizations

MBA Student Organizations exist to enhance the experience of all MBA students at the McDonough School of Business by integrating opportunities for practical extracurricular and co-curricular learning, industry networking, on- and off-campus experiential treks, social gatherings, and more. 

With over 50 active MBA student organizations, it's an integral part of the student experience and provides diverse opportunities for students to engage and learn with classmates, faculty and staff, the greater Georgetown community, and beyond.


HoyaConnect is the management platform for all co-curricular and MBA Student Organization led activities in the MBA Program at the McDonough School of Business. Find info on student organizations, events, volunteer opportunities, connect with classmates, and more on HoyaConnect!

Please Note: MBA students are given access to HoyaConnect at orientation. All other users must request HoyaConnect access - email for more information.

Please Note: 

HoyaConnect Resources

HoyaConnect Officer Tutorials

  CampusGroups Help Center

Resources to help you learn more about each student organization:

Student Leader Hub

Are you a club leader? Check MBA Student Org Officer Resource Hub
At Officer Hub, you can find information needed to succeed as an MBA Student Org Leader, including:

MBA Student Leaders

MBA Clubs

Industry (Career)


Social & Special Interest

Interested in Starting a New Student Club?

Current Student Leaders & Cohort Representatives

There are over 200 student leaders for MBA student organizations, including Student Government Association (SGA), MBA Clubs, and Cohort Reps.

View the MBA Program Office Advisor List & Student Organization Leaders doc to learn more about the current MBA Student Organizatio & Student Government leaders. 

MBA Student Government Association (SGA)

The MBA Student Government Associations (SGA) serve as advocates and liaisons for the MBA student population at the program level.  These MBA student organizations are comprised of current MBA students, who work on behalf of their peers in an effort to represent their interests. There are 2 SGAs in the MBA Program:


The Graduate Student Government (GradGov) is the "chief representative body" for ALL Georgetown graduate students (representing 7 caucuses). GradGov is a forum for school governance, advocacy, programming, and more for the broader Georgetown graduate student community. MBA students and their interests are represented by MBA Senators, who are elected as liaisons on the GradGov Senate.

MBA Student Organizations Events Calendar

You can access more information about student organizations' events via:

MBA Student Organization-Led Treks


MBA students frequently travel around the world to network with alumni, learn about specific industries, support local organizations, and engage with different cultures. 

To facilitate this global business perspective, MBA Student Organizations will often lead treks, which are officially recognized and approved student-led domestic and international trips. 

(Trips that are not approved treks are simply a group of friends traveling together)

Planning to participate in a trip organized by peers?

Not sure? Contact the MBA Program Office team at

International Treks (iTreks)

Botswana / Zimbabwe (Fall Break 2023)
Led by MBA Emerging Market Network (EMN)

Japan (Winter Break 2023)
Led by Japan Society

Plan an International Trek (iTrek)

Interested in leading an iTrek? Please review the resources provided below.
If you still have questions or need further assistance, contact the MBA Program Office team at

The MSB iTrek Committee MUST approve iTreks before events are advertised

If you organize a trip that has NOT been submitted and approved by the MBA Program Office team and/or the MSB iTrek Committee, then use of the following as a component of the trip is NOT permitted:

MBA McDonough Cup

McDonough Cup is the MBA Program’s signature event of the spring semester, ‘aka’ the MBA program’s Spirit Week! A fun and thrilling weeklong competition amongst the six cohorts in which the cohorts participate as individual units in a plethora of events ranging from business skill-driven challenges to team sports tournaments competing for the coveted McDonough Cup. It’s not only the cup that the cohorts will be fighting tooth and nail for but also the pride and the bragging rights for the BEST cohort at MSB.

So how does it work? There will be six participating cohorts – HOYA, SAXA, BLUE, GRAY, HILLTOP, and BULLDOG – all competing for the coveted prize of the “McDonough Cup”. The cohorts will form their own teams depending on the requirements of the various events. This is one of those rare opportunities to live the true Hoya spirit while also getting to know Hoyas from across years/programs and building community spirit while competing!  

2024 McDonough Cup


Final Schedule

Community Service & Engagement

Service to others is central to Georgetown University's mission. 

MBA Student Organizations are required to hold at least 1 service event per leadership term.

For more information on community service in the Georgetown MBA Program, please visit the Community Service Page.

Case Competitions

Questions? Reach out to your SGA VP of Academic Experience!

FT: Diego Montes De Oca (

FX: Tommy McCarthy (

Are you interested in participating in case competitions? 

Use the following resources to view upcoming competitions, learn about the reimbursement process, and look for teammates.